Chapter 10

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Jeff's P.O.V

I closed Y/N's door and headed to Eyeless's office. I opened the door to see Eyeless examining the knife inside of Jane's shoulder and Slendy "watching". When I closed the door Slendy turned around.

Slenderman: "I'm surprised you showed up. Now you will help take this knife out of Jane's shoulder."

Jeff: "Why do I have to help?" I said throwing my hands into the air.

Slenderman: "Because you couldn't control Y/N and also you lodged the rest of the knife in her shoulder. Want another reason because I can give 1?" I just rolled my eyes and went over to Jane. I pushed Eyeless aside and in a quick second I pulled the knife out making Jane scream in pain.

Jeff: "I'm out I don't wanna see her face any longer."

Slenderman: "By the way prepare those girls my brothers are coming. They'll be visiting for a week." I slammed the door and headed down the hall.

Vanessa's P.O.V

I heard Y/N's door being shut. I thought she had finally came to her room. I peeked out of the door to see Jeff walking down the hall. I went over to her room when he was out of sight. I opened her door to see her sleeping. I walked over to her bedside in hopes of waking her up.

Vanessa: "Y/N WAKE UP!" I screamed into her ear while shaking her. Her head popped up in alarm. She looked at me and I was just nervously smiling at her. She calmed down after she saw it was nothing serious or important.

Vanessa: "You still have your phone right?" She nodded her head still too tired to talk.

Vanessa: "Good we can use my hot spot to text my dad and your uncle so they can come and get us. We need to escape back to our families, your in right?"

Y/N: "No I'm not in. I do miss my uncle John and I'm kinda scared of this place. But I'm staying with Jeffery. Cause I don't know if I'm ever gonna see him again if I leave." I was disappointed in her choice but with or without Y/N I was going to leave this place. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Jeffery.

Jeff: "Hey um Slendy's brothers are coming and Slenderderp told me to tell you guys to get dressed and come down stairs. Oh and by the way Masky and Hoodie went shopping for you guys so ya'll got some clothes. Come down to living room when your done." With that said he left and went downstairs.

Vanessa: "I'm going to ask Slenderman to send me home. If he says no I'll just escape." With that I took my leave. Me and Y/N came out of our rooms at the same time wearing these clothes.

 Me and Y/N came out of our rooms at the same time wearing these clothes

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(Vanessa's outfit is on the right and yours is on the left.)

I just looked at her with a glare.

Y/N: "Please don't be like this. But if you do make it back tell my uncle to not come looking for me. Tell him I'm in good hands and that I'm alive. And I will try and come visit every once in a while. Can you do that for me?"

Vanessa: "Sure thing." I said with a smile and we walked down together. When we came down we were greeted with Slenderman standing in the middle of people that looked a little like him. Must be his brothers they were all kinda cute. Aw Slenderman was having a nice family reunion.

Slenderman noticed me and Y/N walked into the room

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Slenderman noticed me and Y/N walked into the room. He saw this as a chance to get away from his brothers. He pushed past them and stood in front of us and knelled down.

Slenderman: "Ah you have made it downstairs. Good to know these are my brothers Splendorman he's the happy one among us. Trenderman the gay fashionable one among us. Last but not least Offenderman the pervert/fuckboy/playboy/I have no idea how he gets girls among us." Slenderman named and pointed to all of his brothers. They all looked up Offenderman first frowned when seeing us. Then that frown turned into a very perverted, creepy smile. I backed away from him as he stepped closer. Y/N stepped a little back too. Then Jeff stood in front of us.

Jeff: "Offenderman I'm sorry but their not on your menu tonight, or any night!"

Offenderman: "Oh looks like you found a couple of love interests. Am I wrong?" Before Jeff could say another word Y/N spoke up.

Y/N: "None of your business perv, and I agree with Slenderman how do you get girls with such and ugly face?" His smile turned into a frown of anger.

Offenderman: "What did you just say to me?" He was about to attack Y/N when Slenderman grabbed him with his tentacle and Jeff pointed a knife at his throat. She didn't move or flinch once. HOW!? Suddenly in the mid of all of this Trenderman comes up to me and asks.

Trenderman: "Where did you get that beanie?" I shrug my shoulders not knowing how else to answer. Slenderman sets Offenderman down next to him. Splendorman comes up to us and pushes Trenderman aside.

Splendorman: "I am terribly sorry for my brothers behavior and manners. May I ask your names dears?" He said extending both of his hands out to us. We shook his hands and Y/N stated our names because I was in too much shock.

Y/N: "My name is Y/N and this is my friend Vanessa!" She said with a smile.

Splendorman: "Well it's nice to meet you both!" He let go our hands and looked at his brothers and smacked everyone of them but Slenderman. I had realized that Trenderman and Offenderman had white tentacles unlike Slenderman and Splendorman. I didn't really care though. We all talked for a while and met a few more proxies. I pulled Slenderman aside into the kitchen real quick. This was my chance to ask him and I wasn't gonna lose it. I took a deep breath and asked him.

Vanessa: "Slenderman can I go home.......without Y/N?"



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