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AN: This is just a nice little wack song I made up for you guys. Hope you guys like it! Bold words is singing.


BEN: "Come on Jeff just sing stop being such a little bitch!"

Jeff: "Fine just leave me alone after this!"

*Later on down stairs around the dining room table*

Slenderman: "Y/N please do start us off!"

Y/N: "Of course Slendy! It's Thanksgiving time and where all here!"

Sally: "All happy and not fussy like our victims!"

Jeff: "We're happy to have such great food, and after this we're gonna play some games!" Jeff said with a slight smirk.

BEN: "We'll be jumping with joy in the blood of our victims!"

Everyone: "It's gonna be so much FUN!"

Slenderman: "Oh yes it's that time of year where we eat the turkey!"

Masky: "To celebrate who knows what."

LJ: "With all the stuffing in the turkey and all the children filled with candy!"

Hoodie: "It's Thanksgiving so be happy and have some fun with your family!"

Y/N: "Appreciate what you have and what your given for Thanksgiviiiiiiiiiing!"



Hey guys so this has nothing to do with the story. Also looks like I'm not going to New York anymore, because my ride can't come this week so I'm leaving next weekend. So see you all tomorrow! Like Y/N said be thankful for what you are given and what you have. Like Hoodie said be happy and spend time with your family, because you never know when they might leave you. So don't forget there is always something to be Thankful for!

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