Chapter 15

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We stayed like that for a whole minute before someone walked in and cleared their throat to get out attention. We both looked at the source of the sound in shock.

Hoodie: "I won't tell I promise. " He said winking at me and I winked back at him.

Jeff: "Why y'all winking at each other?" Jeffery said looking back and forth at both of us. We both just giggled and I started walking to Slenderman's office. He jogged to keep up with me.

Y/N: "I'm going to check on the others to make sure they don't jump out of the window too."

Jeff: "Meet you in Slenderp's office?"

Y/N: "Ye and stop calling him that it's disrespectful."

Jeff: "Never!" He screamed as he walked down the hall. I walked into the room quietly.

Y/N: "Guys?" They were looking in terror at something behind me. I turned around and saw my uncle John and Sarah with a rope and duck tape. First where did they get that stuff? Second why wasn't anyone but me checking up on them. I screamed but it was abruptly stopped for they put duck tape on my mouth and tied me up.

Sarah: "Your going to get us out of here and your also coming back home!" She said in a commanding voice.

Toby: "I don't think your leaving and Jeff is never going to let you take her with you." Toby said walking in with their food. He set it on the desk and came to untie me. They pushed him away and got whatever they could to take him on. Vanessa got a pillow of course. Victoria got a chair that was by Vanessa's makeup table. My uncle John took a piece of the rope to lash him. Last but least Sarah grabbed brush from the bathroom. I rolled my eyes as Victoria pulled me closer to them. She took the duck tape off my mouth.

Victoria: "Why you rolling your eyes missy?"

Y/N: "Because your trying to fight a psychopath with those pathetic weapons. He has fucking axes for god's sake!" They looked at me with eyes widened then looked at Toby and he was holding his axe's. They all dived behind me and started shaking.

Y/N: "Um Toby untie me now, and no killing."

Toby: "Fine but are you sure I can't kill the Sarah girl? You said you don't like her."

Y/N: "Toby you don't tell her that. She thought I liked her!"

Toby: "Oh I didn't say that just forget what I just said. Ok? OK." He came and untied me and gave them their food. I walked out not forgetting to lock the door, and started heading to Slendy's office. I knocked on the door and then I heard a loud bang.

Slenderman: "Come in child." I walked in to see Slenderman's brothers whispering to each other and Jeff standing next to Slendy behind the desk.

Y/N: "Why is everyone so modest?"

Offenderman: "Just go with the flow my brother is a very strict man." I gave him a thumbs up and looked back to see Jeff right in front of me.

Y/N: "What's up?"

Jeff: "We are about to tell you some real shit."

Trenderman: "Zalgo has been after you for a while. We have come to think of  reasons why he is after you. Reason number 1 for Jeff to come and get you to trade his freedom for yours. Reason number 2 is um yeah that's the reason!"

Splendorman: "Yeah that's the reason a good reason huh?"

Slenderman: "Jeff you tell her." He said pushing Jeff toward me.

Jeff: "The reason is reason number 2. I like the sound of that not really. But still yeah." Ok something was going on here. Jeff was never nervous. Neither was Slenderman and his brothers. Which makes me not trust this situation at all! I'm gonna find out what their talking about, but for now I'm going to move my stuff to Jeff's room. Oh wait I still gotta ask Slendy's about this.

Y/N: "Before I go I am staying with Jeffery right?"

Slenderman: "Oh of course!"

Y/N: "Ok Jeff I'll come get you if I need help."

Jeff: "OK." I walked out and went to Tif's room.

Y/N: "Hey I'm moving my stuff to Jeffery's room." I started picking up some stuff and putting it into some boxes as if I was packing to move. Tif watched my every move looking like she was ready to kill me. I was kinda scared so I started moving fast. As I was closing the last box my ring that Tif gave me fell off. It rolled over under the bed. I walked over and knelled down to crawl under the bed. I got the ring and came from under the bed to see Tif gone. I got up and turned around to see her on the bed holding a knife. She started counting I grabbed my boxes and ran to Jeffery's room. I closed the door and locked it. I started unpacking all the stuff it wasn't that much for I didn't get all my stuff from my uncle John's house. I layed on the bed and went to sleep. I had a dream about my past but it was kind of blurred and it had some unknown faces. Other faces I knew.


It was a dark night. I was dropped off on a bench by a park. It looked like a teenage couple placed me there. The girl looked like she was getting rid of a belly from having a baby. This must be my real parents. Because my parents did tell me I was adopted. Then they ran away and I saw something lean over and grab me. It hushed my crying and took me to a real house. It looked my old house, the house I met Jeffery in! It knocked on the door and also left me alone. But now before giving me something that I drank. Then my parents opened the door. Took me into the house.

*End of Flashback*

I woke up to people talking outside of the door. I went to open the door remembering I locked it. Then I heard Slenderman whisper something. Then Jeff said another thing. But I heard it this time.

Jeff: "Zalgo can't take care of a human! Why should I believe you Slender?"


Hi! Goodbye!

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