Chapter 14

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Sexy's P.O.V

They brought a human home. Gave that pitiful, nasty creature my room! Jeff is crazy if he thinks I'm not going to kill it! I looked carefully at it. It was examining the ring I gave it. I thought it was another proxy! BUT A HUMAN! What has gotten into Slenderman? He hates humans and now he's letting them into his home! I'm completely done with him. Matter of fact I'm going to see him right now!

Sexy: "Hey I'm going to see Slendy real quick I'll be back soon don't go anywhere! OK?" If she was to move then the chase would be hard and I just wanna kill her and get this over with.

Y/N: "Ok? I won't move I guess?" She seemed uneasy perfect! I walked out of the room heading to Slender's office. I knocked loud with anger.

Slenderman: "Come in child." Slender said with a booming voice. I busted through the door and started speaking not noticing Jeff and Slenderman leaning over BEN's shoulder looking at something.

Sexy: "How could you let a human come into this house. Not just one though many humans. You hired all of us to kill these humans and now you keep them here! Slenderman over my vacation I think you might have lost your brains, because this is not you!"

Slenderman: "Please do shut the door." I turned around still only noticing Slenderman until BEN spoke up.

BEN: "Hey Sexy how you been?"

Sexy: "Oh BEN I've been good thanks for asking. Hello Jeff." I said the last name slowly and looked at him up and down.

Jeff: "Fuck you too bitch. Anyways as I was saying. This time me and BEN saw more than just Rake. We saw Zalgo. Alone. For him to appear himself then this is serious."

Sexy: "Wait why is Zalgo scoping us out?"

Slenderman: "He is after Y/N."

Sexy: "Then why are we keeping her?"

Jeff: "He wants to use her as bait to get me to come to him."

Sexy: "No one asked you!"

Jeff: "I don't care if you asked me or not I answered!" Then another knock was heard at the door.

Your P.O.V

I knocked on Slendy's office door after hearing the news that Bob killed himself. I mean who jumps out of a window that high into some unknown place. He couldn't see anything because of the fog also the reason why we can't find his body.

Slenderman: "Come Y/N." How'd he know it was me. I walked in and turned around to close the door.

Slenderman: "All of the others knock loud, but not you. You knock softly." Can he read minds if so if feel like I have 0 privacy.

Slenderman: "I will no longer read your mind if you feel that way. But if I feel that your lying I will read your mind.

Y/N: "Understood."

Sexy: "I thought I told you to stay put!" She said giving me the most fakest sweet voice in the world. To go with her fake voice was a fake smile.

Y/N: "Sorry Tif but I had to tell Slendy something."

Slenderman: "What is that my child?"

Y/N: "Bob is dead. He jumped out of the window into to fog and we can't find his body. Because we can't see anything in the fog."

Slenderman: "This could mean he actually escaped or y'all just can't find his body. BEN check the cameras for him running out of the woods." BEN looked down at his computer and looked up a few minutes later.

BEN: "How long ago did he die?"

Y/N: "About 5 minutes ago why?"

BEN: "I skipped ahead longer then 5 minutes and my camera didn't show any sign of him getting up and running away. But there was blood covering my camera lens."

Slenderman: "Jeff and Y/N go check outside."

Y/N: "Why us?"

Slenderman: "Because Jeff can see through anything. Even thick fog. You? Because I feel like if Sexy looks at you any longer she's gonna rip off you head. If you didn't notice."

Y/N: "Oh I didn't trust her from the moment she started speaking to me. All nice and sweet. Yea I didn't buy any of it for a second. Also can I start staying in Jeff's room so I know I'll be safe going to sleep?"

Slenderman: "We will discuss this when you 2 get back now go." We walked out of Slendy's office all the way to Bob's death spot we were silent. It was a nice silence. We were both thinking about something therefore it wasn't awkward. I was looking at him thinking about how I used to have a huge crush on him. I think I still do too. We finally saw the fog in front of us. He grabbed my hand to reassure me that I wouldn't get lost with him by my side. Him holding my hand made me feel safe. Every time I was around him I felt tingly, warm, and safe! Suddenly Jeff looked up and then put up his middle finger.

Y/N: "What's up there?"

Jeff: "BEN's camera." He said with a chuckle. Jeff let go of my hand and told me not to move. I did as he told. He climbed up a tree and wiped off the camera. He jumped down holding my hand again. That feeling started up again. I know I like him but does he like me. I'm not the type of girl to be scared to tell a crush I like them. But with Jeff it felt different I'm not sure why, but it did.

Jeff: "Do you see what I see?"

Y/N: "Nope." He then bent down and picked something up.

Jeff: "Feel it." So I did as he told me to. It was kinda heavy he let go of it. Then I felt how heavy it really was and from the sudden weight I dropped it. I looked at hand bringing it closer for I couldn't see too well in this fog. Then I smelt something really bad. But I smelt this before what was it. OMG IT WAS BLOOD! Bob really was dead and I was just holding his dead body.

Y/N: "JEFF WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME TO TOUCH SUCH LIKE THAT!" I screamed at him while hitting him. I got tired after a while as he was not getting hurt he was just laughing.

Y/N: "I'll get you some more later Jeffery." He just chuckled at my statement. I whipped my hand on his jacket then we went back inside. I saw no one was around so I decided to tell him now.

Y/N: "Jeff before we go back to Slendy's office I have to tell you something."

Jeff: "What is that?"

Y/N: "Jeffery Woods I Y/F/N love you and I always have."

Jeff: "Yea I love you too."

Y/N: "No Jeff like I love you. Like I wanna spend the rest of my life with you kind of love." He just stared at me.

Y/N: "Hey Jeffery answer me." I said about to hit him again. But he stopped with a strong grip and faster than lightning. He looked at me and his gaze stared into my soul. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me!



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