Summer Starts

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Last day of grade nine. I've come this far.

I couldn't stop thinking about that day at the amusement park, and how I told Julian about my actions.

I got dropped off by my parents at the school, sadly they couldn't come. All dressed nicely in a black dress that was down to my knees. I let my red curls down this time, (something I rarely do).

The gym that the graduation attended at was well decorated with a stage and millions of seats that were occupied with the same number of family members.

Noticing the big crowd of graduates I took my place right beside them and waited for the announcers to step up and call us down. " You look nice in the dress." I got so startled I tripped on my own foot and started to fall. Julian grabbed me by the waist and pulled me right up. " Already falling for me? Cori."

" What! No! In your dreams." pulling him off me I stand straight.

" Huh? Now you act totally different since the time at the amusement park. Whats the reason behind that?"

" Um, what do you mean?"

" Well, usually you would just push me off and walk away not saying a word. Now you talk back without hesitation. I'm not sure I can get used to that." After staring at him for a few minutes I burst out laughing. " Whats so funny?"

" It's just, I don't know what came over me either, I guess since you already know the backstory or I got too pissed at your tricks."

" Wow, well thank you for that one-" Julian got cut off by one of the teachers that started his speech about how good we did, and how we were so young and now we're so big. After a good twenty minutes of standing and listening, we were finally called on to the stage one by one to get our diplomas, shake the principal's hand and walk away. " Are you staying at the party?"

" No, I'm not really into parties."

" Oh come on! Have some fun In your life."

" Well, ok then I'll try it out." Julian gave me a smile and we went to the aux gym where the party was held. I didn't pay attention to the dancing and just went to the food table to get some diabetes. Ok, not actually but there were a bunch of sweets, of course, I'm going to have a stomach ake or two.

For the rest of the party, I just hung out with Julian and talked about random things in life. I didn't notice that it was time to go, I guess I was having fun. I said goodbye to Julian and the school since I was now officially a high schooler and went home to sleep in for the rest of the summer break.

The next day I woke up at twelve. My parents were already working at this hour so I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast, erm, or lunch. My brother was already awake. He was one year older than me with red hair and green eyes just like me. Only he wasn't as reckless and hipper as me. We were like total opposites, I liked reading and sports and he liked drawing. The only sport he ever did was swimming, but we always got along despite our differences or similarities. " Oh finally, you're awake."

" Hey, did I miss anything important?"

" No, you didn't sis, Though I do have a swimming practice in three hours, I'm leaving soon though because I'm hanging at Franks today." Frank was Keith's friend, also mine. We both enjoyed sports, he's like my second brother though he is a little picky about any little disturbance in the world. He is also a big nerd.

" Ok have fun, Keith!"

" You too! And at least go outside for twenty minutes, please."

" Ok maybe, no promises. Bye!"

" Bye!" And after that, the door slammed shut. Sometimes I'm jealous of my brother, nothing to worry about. He always got Frank by his side and makes friends twenty-four seven.

I got myself some cheerios, a cup of hot sugared tea and my phone to just look on Pinterest. After scrolling down a ton I got a text message I wasn't thinking I would get. It was from Alice. Last time I texted her was at the start of grade eight. I had a lot going on, so I was too busy to have a chat with my old friends. I'm sure they were busy too since they never texted either.

Checking my messages I read her's in my head.

Alice- Hey! How was your graduation? Mine was a crazy one. Wanna hang out with me and Felice now at the prismarine rose park?

I smiled to my self. Looks like I am going outside after all.

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