Rivals And Friends

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I woke up to the sound of silence and the feel of my stomach killing me from the inside.

Giving out my yawns and stretching I pull the covers off of me. The soothing heat from the blankets left my body in the cool breeze that circled around my room. I put on a fluffy white coat, some socks, and head downstairs for breakfast.

My dad was up and roaming around the kitchen preparing food for himself. " Good morning Cori. About the party, when are we taking off?"

"At 1:30." Today I was going to Felice's birthday party, It was pretty late since her birthday was in September but It doesn't matter does it. I was up all night thinking of what to give her and I thought of twenty bucks and a portrait of her. It's pretty creative if you ask me, not a lot of people own a self-portrait that they got from their best friend. Plus I have a natural artist living next door from my room who was a huge help. I had to give Keith my last candy bar for this. I've got no regrets!

I ended up eating an apple as my breakfast, I was ok with it since we were going to have cake and pizza.

It was attending in a pool so I put my swimsuit on beforehand to not waste time. Then I start to put on my pants and a sweater. Packing the last few things I needed I ran down the stairs were my dada was all ready to go.

We got to the car and drove the whole way there with old rock music. That was the best part when driving in our car with dad. He picks out the best music.

Shortly after we got to the mall where the pool is. You could see the whole pool that was separated from main lobby by a glass wall. A bunch of people who were swimming. Very colorful walls. Two slides, one orange, and one blue, there were also the small baby ones but they were no fun. On the other side, there was a skating rink with some guys playing hockey. My dad got interested but quickly looked back and gave me that look that says 'you kids have fun, but not too much' and then he left.

I giggled at that. right after my dad left I saw Felice running up to me. "Happy late birthday."

"Thanks!" Alice followed her and stepped into the conversation. There were also three figures towering over us when they got closer.

"What are they doing here?" That sounded way meaner than I intended to but I didn't care. I thought it was going to be only me and my best friends. Not Felices annoying at times boyfriend, The guy who keeps teasing me on my small appearance in hight, and just a jerk who doesn't stop smirking.

"I totally get it, why did we have to drag along that stinky twerp of an asshole?" Julian directed those words at Damon who wasn't so happy about seeing Julian either, but he didn't say anything to him.

"You guys are so annoying," I mumbled. crossing my arms and pouting.

"You gotta stop doing that." I didn't understand what Julian wanted to mean by that.


He leaned in so our noses were centimeter apart. Thus my face started blushing.

"Saying things that make me wanna kiss you." He said those words with such ease it was unbearable. I blushed even more, not only because he was being such a cheesy dumb and hot flirt but also because our friends were staring in total confusion, even rage, and I couldn't believe, happiness?

"Un, um, We better go and start changing for the pool! Don't wanna miss all the fun right?!" and like that, I dragged my friends to the girls changing room and away from the three males.

"Oooooh, What was that all about. I'm getting excited!" Alice had to start blabbing about it. didn't she. 


That girl is unbelievable. That's why I'll for sure get her to like me. The only problem is that twerp Damon. She knew him more than she knew me, gives him the advantage.

"Hey, you! Julian right."

  "Would you look who it is? Came here to look at my good looks, Damon?"

"You love her, Don't you?" Straight to the point huh?

"Was it that obvious?"

"Not to the person who doesn't know how you feel." This was getting interesting.

"Oh, so you do know how I feel?"

"Yes, I feel the same about her. That makes us rivals right?"

"Yes, that does. You would have been a good friend though."

"you too man. Maybe after one of us gets her we can be just that?"

"Sounds good." This talking made me hungry, and by the time we were finished we were out of the changing room where we saw the girls already waiting for us.

Cori looked amazing.


The boys finally came out of the change room and we started walking towards the screaming pit of death that was called the pool in reality. Only my reality was better.

The water was cold for a few couple of minutes until my body was half way in the water. I wasn't too good at swimming but I still could. Felice on the other hand had troubles swimming and needed the guidance of a flotation device to keep her alive.

We were now in a crowded pool, swimming our hearts out. Me and Alice wanted a beach ball to play volleyball but we were out of  luck at the moment. Only we weren't going to give up that quickly! Oh no, not today.

After deciding where to go we went on the slide that had twirls, ups, and downs. We were in luck that there wasn't any lineup.

Felix the gentleman he was went in firs and said he is going to catch Felice when she comes down. It was cute but also too cheesy.

Alice went after the blushing red Felice. Damon and Julian went through a little fight before I finally pushed both of them and went instead. They took too long.

At the bottom of the slide we all met up and moved to a different location.


We all turned around.

Nathen stood in front of us. And he didn't look like the type of person Alice wanted to talk to judging by her facial expression.

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