Will It Be A Mess

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My heart was racing I didn't know what to do. Julian was too quiet it scared me. He drove me crazy, the more I notice my uncomfortable feeling state the more I get scared.

He clearly noticed because he smirked and shifted his body closer to me. He loves teasing me too much I swear.

"So you wanted to talk." I started up a conversation because the silence was killing me.

"Yes I did." He suddenly became all serious.

We came into a stop on a small arch bridge over a lake. It had beautiful designs carved into it and decorated with fine coloured flowers that had perfectly shaped petals. The sunset, oh the sunset was the most beautiful one yet. Orange, pink, purple, and golden yellow colours sprouting out from the sun.

It was perfect.

He leaned over the edge of the bridge letting his body rest.

"Wow it's beautiful. It's the perfect time..."

"Ya." The perfect time for what!?

"Cori I, Oh man I need to tell you something. More like confess..." Oh man. "I've always been thinking about this moment. Playing it over and over in my head. Thinking about your reactions, your words, and I've always been scared to hear the real deal. I've finally got the courage to ask you something I've never done and never said."

He turned fully to me now.

"I like you Cori. No I love you, to a whole different universe and back. I want to hold you in my arms I want to be with you all the time. I can't stand when that twerp Damon tries to talk to you. I only need a straight answer for this question." He leaned in, our faces where an inch apart. All it took is to lean in just a bit closer and we were going to share a kiss. "Cori will you join me on the journey of a not the most exciting but definitely strong relationship. Will you be my girlfriend?"


I was about to answer but I got cut off by another person who stood right behind me. Julian's look turned cold.

"Cori no! Please he isn't worth the fuss." I turned around only to see Damon standing a couple of meters away. His cheeks red from the cold. "Please be my girlfriend!"

That's it I'm done. Two confessions at a time. Why me. I can't just decline one and leave them forever alone. But I need to make up my mind. But it's already made up.

"Aaahhhh! You guys are unbelievable! Make a confession at a separate time don't make a girl go crazy!"

"Cori I, sorry I guess. You can give us the answer tomorrow, good bye." Like that Julian just left. I don't wanna be mean but Damon ruined the moment. Only what if I... ugh it's too much.

"See you tomorrow. Damon." I left him alone, at the bridge where I had to make the most hardest choice ever, yet it's still to come. I hope I won't mess things up.

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