The Begining

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We are finally back in school. It's the second semester, but things are going to be different now. I have a boyfriend same as Felice. Damon is using Alice to make himself feel better. I and Julian are trying to prevent that from happening while I have to act like I never heard of Damons plans. Then out of no where I found out that Julian is my friend's step brother. The holidays were sure a blast.

Now I'm sitting at my english period that I share with Julian, Alice, and Nathen who I havent talked to in months. It's kind of funny actually. How Nathen is the exact person we need and he is in our class while Alice is also there.

It was the start of the period and the teaher was supper late. So the students did the only thing they thought was reasonable. They were talking and sitting beside their friends fooling around like a normal tenager would. It's all just natural.

I shared a look with Julian and then stood up from the desk I shared with Alice. Who was at somebody elses desk asking questions about the class. Julian stood up with me and we both were on the move to the same destination. Nathans desk.

"Hey Nathen." I tryed to sound as friendly as possible.

"Cori, long time no see. And you must be her boyfriend?"

"Yes he is. Nathen I--we, need to know what happened in eighth grade between you and Alice. What really happened then? Please tell us. We need to know, it's about Alice" He had no choice but to tell us now. The words 'it's about Alice' were enough to make him concerned.

"It was the day I was going to ask her something important. Personal really. But I couldn't I was stopped. By Damon, he told me not to ever talk to her. to cut all ties with her. He thretened me with my own sister who he himself dated." That thilthy maggot. " What else could I have done. My sisters life was thretened and the girl I loved would get her heart broken. We both well knew that she liked me just as much as I like her. I did what Damon told me to do. That was a choice I regreted my whole life. He used me to get to her."

What kind of drama had I gotten myself into. Damon was messing with all of us for three years or even longer. "Nathen, he is doing the same thing. He is trying to get pleasure from Alice by breaking her heart."

"So you guys want me to stop him?"

"Exactly. You still have a chance with her Nathen. If we get her interested in you then she wouldnt give Damon what he wants." Julian joined in our nice little conversation.

"I'm all up for that. what would I have to do?"

I grined to myself. "We'll tell you at lunch in the library."

That was the last time we talked to Nathen in the class.

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