The Middle

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"Is that true?" Please, I knew the answer to that question but I needed to hear it myself.

He used me. And the worst part is that I believed it like a naive idiot. I should have known. Cori and the rest of the girls stared at me with fear and sadness. I couldn't blame them, they all tried helping though I don't see how it would of ever helped. My eyes overflowing with tears. One by one spilling out as I take everything in.

I dropped down on the floor. My legs gave out, it's like the solid ground disappeared under my feet. How I wanted to scream, to let it all out. It hurt to speak. It's like getting stabbed in the back with a knife by him, by the person you trusted the most.

"Alice... please, he is not worth your tears," Cori spoke keeping a distance away from me. All of my friends did. They respected my space. Cori was right. He is not worth it, I have my friends to help me heal that wound Damon created and I won't let that chance slip.

"You're right!" Standing up I wipe my tears away. "He should not get the pleasure! I'm gonna go tell that guy a Pisces if my mind!"

"Maybe that's not such a good idea," Felice protested, but I didn't bother, I will dump him from the first chance I've got.

"Oh I'm gonna act everything out, don't worry, tomorrow make sure to bring a bucked if popcorn because it will be a show to remember."

I started to head towards the direction of my house, filled with determination. The last sentence I hear from my group of friends was a good statement and I did question it myself afterwards. "Shouldn't we be concerned how quickly she settled on revenge?"


Today was the day where I break up with Damon. I'm not telling him that I have known what he did to me, I'm keeping it simple. I dumped you just because I don't feel anything for you any more. That's what I'm going to say, I would also apologize to look like I didn't mean to beak his heart on purpose. Most lies are better when based by a truth so in this case it'll work, it has to. I had dressed and was seating myself in a chair getting ready to eat my fruit loops. While having my breakfast my phone rang.

"Hello," Felice's voice coming from the other end.

"Felice, it's a bit strange for you to call in the mornings."

"Ya I know I was just concerned about you, are you ok from yesterday? I mean you sure recovered fast but still."

"I swear I'm ok, you know me Felice I would never dull over something as dumb as this, unless it really hurts." It was true, I did admit that Damon might of not been my type and I didn't really love him. Maybe I was just hung up on the moment and kindness that I shared with him two years ago.

"Well then, I guess you should act fast, don't want all that courage going to waste, especially when he wants to dump you himself."

"Exactly! See you soon," I said.

"Ya see you," and the call ended.


School wasn't a bother at all, I was filled with determination when stepping into the lunch room and finding a seat among my friends. I was looking around to find Damon in the big crowd of chairs and people but I couldn't spot him anywhere. Will and his fraternal brother Bill sat with us. Will taking a seat right beside Cori who was reading and bubbling on her pizza and Bill plopping right beside me.

"So Alice how are things going?"

I looked at Bill, "with what?"

"How you know, you found out about Damon and getting him back and stuff."

I didn't answer him because I spotted Damon and stood up right away. Butterflies filling my stomach. Cori put her book down and whispered to me, 'go and get him' and that's what I'm gonna do right now.

I jog up to Damon and look into his eyes. I could see it now, the lie in his eyes. I put a sad expression on my face and tell him. "Damon you're a really nice guy but I, I'm braking no up with you..." his expression was priceless. "It's just, I... I think my feelings for you weren't that much of a truth. I thought I would love you and it would grow stronger but it never did. I'm sorry."

When leaving I could barely stop myself from laughing. He did not see that one coming.

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