The Opportunity To Shame

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When we all split up me and Damon departed to the food court to get some snacks. I wasn't really sure what we would do after our snack time. I didn't feel like dancing so going to the dance was pretty pointless.

Getting to the snack shack I get a bottle of water and a granola bar. Damon gets some skittles and Gatorade. Talk about healthy, no, I'm not the healthiest person either but if I had the chance to shame somebody I'll gladly take that Opportunity.

"So, we have a haunted house in the school. Wanna pee your pants?" Lovely.

"I would like to not empty the water that I just drank so, I'll just hold on to you so you wouldn't feel insecure where eventually you would empty not only the Gatorade You had but also the skittles that you consumed." I was proud of that comeback. "Oh, by the way, I'm wearing a dress." My life is complete. I roasted Damon, now you get what I mean by not missing the opportunity to shame.

He laughed at it. Before that, he stared wide-eyed when I was expressing those smart ass words. It felt good, what can I say? "Clever girl." That made me grin and blush. 

We departed from the dance and to the haunted house. Before we entered I had to take down my angelic dark wings. They were getting in the way. 

Entering the dark hallway that was pathetic well the scaring part anyway. It was well decorated with fake spider webs and their fake creators the spiders themselves. A couple of body parts lying on the floor and jack-o-lanterns who were pretty cute. The rest was boring. We turned around the corner, and I do wanna admit the darkness creeped me out a little. How ironic, and there I was saying I'm the dark angel. I had to step a little closer to Damon, just in case. He seemed perfectly fine. Giving his attention to me he smiled and slid my tiny hands into his bigger ones. I didn't mind. Though I knew nothing could work out in the end.

He was in love with Cori after all. 

That made me a bit jealous but I tried to escape those thoughts. I can't trade friendship for something as silly as that. 

I began to have flashbacks to the day when Nathen kissed me. It's Only because of that stupid Damon I didn't return Nathen's feelings. Damon was the one to comfort me after the incident with Nathen and all in grade nine. That's when I started to get the feels for him. It totally kills me. I'm starting to rethinking about what would have happened if I didn't move away from him. Would we be dating? If so, would it be Him instead of Damon holding my hand as we go through the lame haunted house? It's all so complicated with boys.

Without realizing it I and Damon got through the haunted house with no problem. "So did you feel the spooks creeping in?" I can't understand why he thinks I would get scared? That easily too. Is it because of stereotypes and stuff? That a girl is a sissy. If so then they clearly brainwashed all of the boys at birth. No wonder most of them are dimwitted.

Later we started to go just hang around the school. As we walked I noticed our hands intertwined together. I felt happy. all that was over when My phone buzzed in my pocket so I had no choice to break my hand free from his. Unfortunately. 

Cori texted me something about big news. I was all up for hearing them so I grabbed hold of Damon yet again ( Only by the sleeve this time ) and I dragged him back to the gym where the dance took place. 

This should be interesting.            

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