So Ladies...

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We were on a sleep over and things were about to get good. I had a plan on asking some personal questions to my two friends and I'm not backing down.

"So ladies... have any males of your dreams that you'd like one day to marry have children with and die together? The question is specifically for Alice."

"Why only Alice?"

"Oh! So you plan on dumping Felix and have all of that with another victim of your liking ? Is that what it is?" Alice giggled at my comment.

"What! No no no, that's not what I meant."

"Ya ok, so Alice I know you are eyeing a certain someone so spit it out or I'll be using force."

"Wow straight to the point huh. Well I guess I have no choice so I'll have to say the person who I'm dreaming about is Damon." Alice blushed a bright crimson colour.


Both I and Felice screamed in unison seconds later Alice stated the fact she was in love with Damon.

"I knew it you were a perfect couple after all!" I was happy about it. My whole life I shipped those two and I finally got some progress.

"Aren't you mad about it? He is madly in love with you." I got hit in the face with the words that escaped my friends'   mouth. Damon was in love with me? That's a first.

"You sure cuz I think not."

"Positive! The way he stares at you is awfully cute. He acts like you're the only one there. No offence Alice."

"None taken."

"Well that's unfortunate for him. I don't like the guy and never did." Alice had a sigh of relief escape her mouth.

"So then do you have someone you like?"

I had to think about that one a big time. I mean I never had a guy to like. Unless you count—

"NOOO!" I grabbed the nearest pillow to me and buried my face in it.

It was not possible I liked a guy like him. So selfish and mean, teasing me everywhere I go, but he did have a nice masculine body and beautiful sapphire eyes.

"What's wrong? Someone on your mind?" Alice grinned in curiosity.

"Well let's just say I've developed a small crush on a certain someone."

"No way who is it!?"

"It's— ugh it's Julian."

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