Two Apes and Two Manly Egos

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Summer was officially over.

Only this time I was looking forward to school. Heck, I was even excited. I woke up early at six thirty to get some extra time to get ready, going to the bathroom to clean my face, brush my teeth, and whatever people usually do in the morning. Coming out I go up to my chair where I put some clothes for me to wair the other night, and get ready.

After I successfully put everything on and do my hair I rush down the stairs where I saw my mom and dad having a chat. " Hey, Cori. Ready for your first day of high school?" My mom questioned with a soft look.

" I sure am!"

" Well, you have fun out there." That was my dad. He was the first person to leave the house so he took his bag and left to the door. " Bye."

" Bye, dad!" I and my mom just sat together talking about life and eating breakfast.

Now you're probably wondering where Keith is. Since he's in grade eleven now he gets to go to school at twelve on the first day. That just gives the time for all of the small tenth graders to find their classes and to know their surroundings. So my brother was sleeping in.

Finally, It was time for me to go so I said goodbye to my mom. A mental goodbye and see ya to my brother, and left for the bus that would pick me up for school.

Once I was at school a short figure came rushing to me and instantly hugging me. I hugged Felice back. That was the part I got excited about, Seeing my friends at school again. We both started walking towards the main entrance where we met up with Alice. The school was huge compared to the junior high.

We all took out our schedules to see if we got any matching classes.

I only have one matching class with Felice. Physics. And none with Alice. Alice and Felice have almost all matching classes except one.

The bell rang. I took all of my stuff and sprinted to my assigned locker where I put everything except my binder.

Fortunately I made it to class right on time. Unfortunately that class was math. I hated math.

I took a seat in an empty chair beside a window and waited for class to start. I felt someone sit beside me and turned my head to see who it was.                                     


His famous smirk escaping his lips. " Um... hi."

" What is this I hear? Cori is the first one to talk? Unbelievable!"

" Oh quit it!"  He was so, so, ugh I can't even call him anything.

Just when Julian opened his mouth to say something Damon came up to the table and sat in-front of us. " Cori! What a surprise. Joined this school just to see me huh?"

" Hah! In your dreams." Surprisingly that was Julian who said those words.

"  I wasn't talking to you dimwit."

" who you calling a dimwit twerp." Before the war of the two apes could continue to insult each other's proud manly egos. Or that's how they called them. The teacher cut them off to start the lesson.

After one hour of doing nothing it was time for Physics. I was looking forward to it since I shared the class with Felice.

It turned out that I was not only sharing the class with my friend but with Damon too. It was cool with me. He was one of the people that I could talk to freely and share my problems with. Especially I loved the colour of his eyes, that blueish greenish colour was extraordinary. It also matched his brown hair. I guess that's what attracts me to him. And his personality too but his looks mainly.

Physics was boring. So I talked to Felice to keep my spirit up. The only problem was that Damon who was sitting behind me first started kicking my chair so I told him off. He didn't stop. It is useless to tell him off.

Lunch and third period flew by quickly and I was currently sitting in fourth. The last period of the day, I can do this. There was another problem. This time Julian was sitting beside me toying with my hair. Why do those two like to annoy me so much?

I tried to tell him off. It was also useless. So the whole History period I sat in utter pain and suffering. Ok that's a huge overstatement.

Only near the end I noticed someone familiar. It was that kid Nathen I met in the bus a couple of months ago. " Hey! Nathen!" I stood out of my seat and cane up to his desk. I could feel Julians grip on my hair disappear. I looked behind me and he was gazing in my direction with an unreadable look.

Nathen looked towards me and smiled with a warm look in his eyes. " Hey Cori, didn't think I'll meet you here."

" Ya same." The bell rang and I waited for Nathen to talk more. We reached all the way to my locker where surprisingly stood Alice. Probably waiting for me so we can go out of the building together.

She looked into my direction and horror spread across her face. " A-Alice wait!" Nathen called out to her but she didn't even bother to look. She grabbed my hand and stormed off with me right behind her.

We stoped beside the bleachers and took a seat there. " What happened out there Alice! I need to know." That's right, I needed to know. Not only because I was dying of curiosity but also because Alice was my friend. I need to understand the situation here.

" Well, you remember how I told you about the years spent without you right?" I nodded. " That guy that you were walking with is the problem. Nathen is the total jerk I was talking about."

" Ok, but that doesn't answer the reason why he was so polite when he saw you today."

" Well... I didn't tell you the whole story exactly."

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