Expect the unexpexted...

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We pull up in my drive way and enter my house. It's all so quiet, except for the hushed voices coming from the front room and the kettle boiling in the kitchen.
"Hello." I close the door behind us and fling my coat on the rack.
"Ryan?" My mothers voice comes from the living room. "Oh my god Ry." Her arms fall around mine and she pulls me into a hug. I can feel wet drops on my shoulder and I hug her back. At least I try to with my hands pinned down.
"Where were you?" My sister emerges from the kitchen. Mum pulls back to look at me, everyone's awaiting my response.
"I watched the game Dan was playing. I fell asleep with my friend. We lost track of time." My mums eyes flickered to Dan's.
"I found him in the park."
"You fell asleep in the park?" The worry was back in my mums eyes.
"Mum I'm fine okay? Deep breath." She forced a smile and dried underneath her eyes.
"Come in the kitchen."
"I'm uhh, I'm gonna go. I'll see you at school Ryan." Dan shot my sister a weak smile and shared a small nod with my mum before leaving the house in silence.
"I have to get ready for school." My sister ran her hands through her hair. It was the first time I got to look at her. Really look at her. Each eye was surrounded by a puff of pink, it was clear she'd been crying. She held a blanket wrapped around her shoulder and her hair was a mess, almost as if her hands had delved into it at least a thousand times tonight.
"What's going on?" There was silence.
"We were just worried about you. We didn't know where you were that's a-"
"Bullshit." Both mine and my mothers attention was drawn to my sister. "This family has crumbled once before, and all because of lies and deceit." She looked at me and then walked over to where I stood. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she hugged me. It said 'I'm sorry' I just wasn't sure what for.
"Tell the truth mum." My mothers head hanged. Suddenly her feet were the most interesting things in the room.
"For once mum. No more lies." And with that she went upstairs.


Silence. Absolute deafening silence. "What happened mum?" she smiled, her mouth opened as if she was going to explain but then she shook her head.


"Would you like a cup of tea darl-"


"Peppermint, camomile, hot cho-"


"Oh Ryan just sit down will y-"

"Mother!" My voice was louder than I imagined it would be.  It took her by surprise, it took me by surprise. She stared at me for a while, it was a look of disbelief. I sounded like my father when I was angry, a  deep, unwavering, monotone roar. I hated it, I hated the sound of my own voice. "Just tell me." she flinched then sat down around our Oakwood table. I noticed how her eyes never left mine.

'I'm sorry mum. I didn't mean to sound so harsh. It was an accident.' I wanted to tell her those exact words, but I didn't. I just sat there.

"Please" was all I could  say. Her body notably relaxed and she nodded.

"He's here." she took a small breath and continued "When you were gone. He came. He wanted to see you. He thinks we owe him."


"Me, you, your sister."

"But why would he ever think that, I just I don't-"

"He helped me Ryan. I know that you told me not to trust him but I just-he just-I-"

"Love him more than me?"

"I-I..." Her voice trailed off.

"What did he do mum?" she didn't answer "How did he.. help?" the last word was spat out. Help. I couldn't understand how she could fall for this.

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