Arron Locksmith...

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5 days. No text, no call, no posts- no Hayley. By no texts I mean no texts back. No calls back, she didn't show up to our periods together and she wouldn't let me into her house- no contact. She hated me, I'd known her only one month, and I'd already messed it up. I knew it wasn't all my fault and I wasn't about to tell her it was- but damn did I miss her. The sound of our house phone ringing managed to knock me out of my thoughts. I was laying on my bed with the stereo playing lowly in the background.
"Buggsy not it." Emily yelled.
"You're downstairs though." This remark was met with stony silence. "Fine." I muttered.
The phone continued to ring until I picked it up.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hello, is this Mrs Mont- sorry Ms Winters?"
"This is her son she's not here right now, do you want me to pass on a message?"
"Yes." The man on the line sounded oddly familiar. "This is Mr Montgomery's lawyer, I'm just calling to see if she can still make one o'clock." What?!
"Sorry who is this?"
"Arron Locksmith." He even sounded like a dick. "I'm a lawyer."
"A good one?" I asked. I don't know why.
"Yes I win every custody battle I fight for." No. "Anyway, just tell your mum I called okay?" No "I need a reply back from her as soon as possible." This can't be happening. "Can- can you hear me?"
"Yes." My hand was tight around the phone. "I get it, tell mum."
"Good lad." I could see his smile through the phone, all smug looking, all powerful. "I hope to hear from her soon." Then the line went dead. I can't feel my face, or my hands or anything, just my heart, and it's pumping blood around my body furiously.
Yes, I win every custody battle I fight for,
What the hell was going on?
Yes, I win-
Why am I always the last to know about these things?
Ever custody battle-
What custody battle?
Yes, I win-
Just me or Emily too?
Every custody battle-
Just me?
Every custody battle I fight-
I can't think. The phone somehow slips out of my hand and crashes onto the floor.
"Bloomin hell Ry, what'd you break now?" My heads spinning.
"Ry?" I squeeze my eyes shut
"Ry?" I open them.
"Ry?" I'm still here.
"Ryan?" My sister is standing in front of me, she's shaking my arms, as if to wake me up.
She doesn't know, she couldn't have.
"That was Arron Locksmith on the phone."
"Okay." She answered cautiously. "Who's he to us?"
"Dads lawyer supposedly." I felt her intake a deep breath, almost as If she was stealing all the oxygen in the room. I took one too, trying to take as much as possible.
"Lawyer for what Ry?"
"Custody." I couldn't look at her.
"Custody of what?"
"I don't know. He wanted to talk to mum." This was met with no words "It was meant for mum, he said he needed to talk to her, they had something set up for one I think."
"Shit." My sister muttered it before I could. That's what this was- the whole situation- shit.
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault." She shook her head. "Okay don't worry, mums just popped out grocery shopping. I'll confront her. Do not be back before 11."
"What, why?"
"Jut trust me little brother."
"Just go and don't be back okay?" I winced when she raised her voice. I'd done it many times before, but this was different.
"Please," she looked me straight in the eye. "For once do what I know you've wanted to do since we got here. Run."
"That's your job not mine." She smiled faintly.
"It's in your blood." I smiled.
"Yeah I guess it is."

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