Sitting on my doorstep...

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School went by even quicker than usual, of course what happened at lunch was the hot topic but I didn't  indulge in all the gossip. After school I waited by my car for Hayley but she didn't show. I'd heard she left in a rush. No doubt to get away from me.
I pulled up into my drive way. I didn't get out the car. It's not that I was extremely sad, it was just- I felt misplaced, unbalanced. I opened my phone and scrolled straight down to H.
Don't text her. Do not text her Ryan.
"Damn." I shoved my phone in my back pocket and got out the car, slamming the door behind me. I fished my house keys from my pocket and headed to front door.
"Hey." And there she was. Hair tied up in a perfectly messy bun, wearing skinny jeans and in one of my oversized jumpers.
God she's pressing my weak spot with that hoodie.
"I just need you to be quiet and listen okay? I need to talk to you." I did as ordered.
"Look, you know I love you okay. More than anything. I just-" she clenched down on her jaw. "It's hard for me, okay? You're so great at this. You make me feel like I'm in a rom-com. You give me the sparks and the butterflies and-" raindrops began to fall. Harsh and sudden, all at once but she didn't stop. She stepped closer to me and looked straight into my eyes. "You give me the goosebumps, the romance." She laughed. "And I can't tell you how grateful I am." Her hand pulls out the iPod I gave her. "It's my turn to do something romantic." She held the music up into the sky." I Hayley fucking Rhys." My smile widened. "I will stand here in the rain pouring my heart out to you: Ryan Montgomery, because I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, and I love you." She ends it too far away.
"Now, please. Kiss me already." She teases and I happily oblige. The rain falls down hard, her hair is drenched and tangles in-between my fingers.
"Come you're gonna catch a cold." I pull her towards my front door.
"Wait." She smiled lightly. "Am I forgiven now?" She actually looks  nervous. I love that.
"No." Her smile drops."You were forgiven a long time ago." She lets out a deep breath.
"Don't scare me like that." She hits my chest.
"Come." I laugh off her pout and we head to my room.
"Hi Mrs Montgomery, Hi Emily."
"We'll be in my room." I shout. She follows me straight upstairs. Once my door is closed she takes off her jeans and grabs a towel to dry her hair.
"You have gotten way too comfortable in my house." I say, she laughs.
"It's my second home." She jumps on my bed.
"I wanna show you something."
"Me?" She asks.
"Yes you." I go into my closet and grab my guitar. I brought out the sheets of music I've been working.
"I wrote you a song."
"What?" She sits up.
"I wrote a song, it's about us. It's not completely finished. I was gonna submit it to RAA. They're doing a one way fast track. It's where people who study one performing art get a scholarship."
"Isn't that the same academy your helping Ashley get into?"
"Are you thinking of applying your song?"
"I'm thinking of it."
"Can I hear it?" I smiled. Her grin was wide and she stared at me expectingly. Her hair was still damp and her face was almost alight. She was so damn beautiful.
"Of course you can."

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