4. The New Leather Jacket

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Kinda filler and probably boring but I hope you enjoy.


I have to go to the mall. Dean needs his stupid new jacket.

I look at my clock and see that it's almost noon. I groan and roll out of bed and on to the floor, tangled in my bedsheets.

I don't want to do this for him but I owe it.

I untangle myself and stumble to my bathroom, yawning and stretching as I shut the door behind me.

I turn on the shower and brush my teeth, waiting for the shower to warm up.

I squint at my reflection (I forgot my glasses on the nightstand) and chuckle at how a mess my hair is.

I feel the water again, determining it's ready and undress and step in.

I let the warm water hit my face and slowly feel myself start to wake up.

I go about my shower, turning it off and stepping out when I'm done.

I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist, walking back into my room and opening my closet.

Can't wear anything "girly" to school but no one is stopping me at the mall.

I go through my closet and find a baby blue sleeveless-collared shirt with little anchors all over it and decide on matching it with a white pleated skirt.

I dry off my hair and pull on the shirt, watching in the mirror as I pull it on and button it up, wondering what the hell I'm exactly getting Dean.

I finish getting dressed, finding my glasses and realizing that some of the bruises are still very visible. I don't want to change because I look hella cute but decide that putting a little makeup on them will be enough.

Once they are covered I pull on some shoes and grab my keys, seeing my dad left them for me. Must have gotten his car back.

That's just good news for me.

I grab an apple for breakfast and make my way out to my car, smiling at how it's finally mine again. No need to wait on my dad anymore.

I get in and eat my apple on the way, turning up the radio.

It's not long before I get to the mall and step out, locking my car and throwing away the apple core. I make my way up to the building, seeing that it's pretty empty because everyone is at school and work.

I wander around, not exactly knowing where I'm going and see my favorite shop.

You can guess.

Dresses and skirts.

I walk in to look around and see Balthazar behind the counter, waving as he looks up and sees me.

He grins and spreads his arms out wide. "Awesome outfit today, beautiful. Anything in particular you're looking for?"

I smile back at his compliment, shaking my head. "Just stopping by to look around."

"Take all the time you need, hun. I've got all afternoon." He laughs, motioning to the empty shop and winks.

"Thanks, I'll call you if I need anything." I wander off to the dresses, seeing a pretty blue one that almost is exactly like another blue one I have.

I inwardly groan, realizing my obsession with the color blue is overboard but what can I do when not only is it my favorite color, but also matches my eyes?

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