2. The Boy in Leather (Wait, Denim)

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Another heads up. Maybe some smut in the future too. (Not experienced with writing it so it may be light.)


I awoke to the sound of my alarm blaring some sort of country radio station and groggily reached over and slammed the "Snooze" button.

I rubbed my eyes and rolled over, looking at the clock which read "6:00 AM" and remembered yesterday.

I don't mean to bully Castiel. I know he hates it and I know he hates me because of it, but once middle school came around and I realized for sure that I was gay for Castiel, I heard what my friends thought of it and have been too afraid ever since.

I bully him to let them know I agree with them, which I don't.

But the look of hurt on his face when he saw it was me who spilled food on him...

I didn't like it. And I couldn't do anything about it.

I slowly get myself out of bed and to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth and get Sam up.

I quietly close the door behind myself and look at myself in the mirror.

Nothing new. Messy hair. Deep green eyes.

I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, fixing my hair as I brush my teeth.

Once I'm done I set everything back into place and quietly make my way to Sam's room.

"Sam? Hey, Sam. Wake up." I gently shake him.

He groans at me and rolls over. "What Dean."

"It's time for school, get up." I say a bit more loud, pulling the blankets off of him.

"But Dean," he whines, curling up and wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "I don't want to go."

"Tough luck, baby brother. School is what you have to do. Now get up and hurry or you're going to be late. School starts for you in thirty minutes."

"Fine." Sam says shortly, rolling out of bed and stumbling downstairs to find some breakfast.

After making sure he gets down the stairs alright, I go back to my room to change for the day.

I pull on some jeans and a plain white shirt with my combat boots and pull out my destroyed leather jacket.

I look at the words scratched into the back and sigh.

The fact that Castiel resulted into destroying one of his most prized possessions hurt me, but I deserved it. And I knew I did.

I carefully lay it across my bed, thinking of how I didn't mean that he'll have to buy me a new one, but I definitely won't be getting one soon.

I look in my closet for a new jacket and find an old denim one that's a bit torn in places but actually looks really good.

I slide it on over my shoulders and go downstairs to get my backpack and a bottle of soda from the fridge.

"Sammy! It's time to go!" I yell up the stairs.

I few seconds later I hear a thud and footsteps running to the stairs.

"I'm coming!" He says, quickly pulling on some Chucks and a jacket. "And my name isn't Sammy!"

"Yes it is, now get in the car." I open the door and wait for him to grab his bag and walk out, locking it behind me and getting into my car.

My car, my prized possession. A 1967 Chevy Impala. Looking new as ever.

As I drive Sam to his middle school, I always tell him to have a good day and to work hard.

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