37. Teaching My Boyfriend to Paint

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I probably won't continue this story for much longer. But if you want to see me write more, don't be afraid to give suggestions. I'm just running out on this one.
Anyway, it's been a while. I finally have a moment to write an update. Enjoy.


I woke up much later than expected. I opened my eyes to see the clock, which read 11am.

I sat up, groaning at how sore my whole body felt. The bed was empty beside me and I put my glasses on, blinking the sleep out of my eyes.

The bathroom door beside me opened and Dean walked out, his face breaking to a smile as he saw me and sat down on the bed. "How'd you sleep?"

I yawned. "A little too well. You?"

"Great, I'm glad you slept well."

I felt a bit suspicious, he was absolutely beaming.

He rubbed my leg gently. "Do you want something to eat?"

Come to mention, my stomach growled really loud and I was actually hungry. "God, yeah. I need some food."

He chuckled, getting up. "What do you want?"

"Eggs, and bacon. And toast."

He nodded. "Got it." I watched as he left the room and I stood up, legs shaking a bit. I sighed, rolling my eyes because I didn't expect that Dean had really fucked me that hard. I moved around the room, looking for a shirt and shorts to put on before leaving the room.

I walked down the stairs to see my dad reading a newspaper on the couch. He laid it down across his lap, taking off his glasses. "By the angel, Castiel! You're finally awake."

"Well, yeah. Obviously I was tired." I said pointedly at Dean, and he held back a laugh in the kitchen as he made me breakfast.

I joined him, grabbing the orange juice from the fridge and filling a glass. I took a long drink and set the glass down, sighing in content.

"Thirsty?" His eyebrows were raised.

"Well, yeah. When you're up late and slept a long time, yeah I would think so."

"Damn, babe. You're sassy today."

I giggled and he kissed my cheek as he scrambled eggs in a pan. He had another pan of bacon warming up and toast in the toaster.

"I'm hungry, can you please hurry?" My stomach growled again and Dean scoffed.

"If you want raw eggs, be my guest."

I heard the toaster pop and I took the toast out. I got the butter and spread some on, sitting on the counter beside the stove as I ate a piece.

"So, what do you want to do today?" He asked while he pushed the bacon around.

"Paint. I have a great painting idea."

He nodded. "I'm happy to watch."

"Watch? Why won't you paint with me?" I took a sip of juice.

"I don't know how. I'd ruin it." He put the bacon on another plate and went back to the eggs.

"No you wouldn't!" I lightly punched his arm.

"Yes I would." He was serious, but smiling at me.

"I'll teach you." I grabbed my second piece of toast.

"Really?" He stopped and looked at me.

"Yeah. Step-by-step." I munched on the toast and finished my glass of orange juice.

He grinned, turning the eggs on the plate with the bacon. He grabbed a fork and handed me the plate and silverware.

"Breakfast is served."

I rolled my eyes and took the plate, eating on the counter where I was.

It wasn't long before I had finished and was finally satisfied.

"Ready to go paint?" I set everything in the dishwasher and held out my hand.

He took it, shaking his head. "It'll look bad."

"Stop, it won't." I pulled him up the stairs.

"Yes it will, you won't listen."

"Whatever." I shrug and shut the door to my room, grabbing similar canvases, brushes, paper towels, and all my paints. "We're painting the beach."

"Ah, the beach. How amazing." He sat down beside me and pulled his canvas close.

I put my canvas on the easel, ignoring him. "So, what you want to start with is the sky, it's the furthest point in the painting and you always work back-to-front. You want the warm blue," I put some on my palette with white. "And titanium white."

I stopped and watched as he poured the paint. "Okay, Bob Ross."

I rolled my eyes. "A great compliment. So now that you have that ready you want the biggest brush you have," I grabbed mine and started mixing white and blue to make a pale blue. "And make a light blue for the base of the sky. You want about a third of the canvas covered."

I watched, waiting for him to catch up and give him the next step.

He was very concentrated as he put the blue on, watching carefully to make sure it looked exactly like mine and it gave me a warm feeling inside that he was really trying at this.

He looked up, nodding that he was ready for the next step.


"Don't look at it, you'll think it's bad!" Dean was holding his canvas vertical, not letting me see as he was adding his last detail.

"Come on, Dean! I'm already done, I want to see yours!" My canvas was fully painted and exactly what I imagined.

"Okay, fine! But it's not that great."

"Oh, hush. I bet it is."

He looked up at me and bit his lip. "Here goes..." he turned the canvas around, showing me what he had painted. He was watching expectantly for my reaction.

It made me smile. Really smile. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad. You could tell he spent a lot of time and effort.

"So...?" His face fell.

I realized I was staring with a stupid smile on my face. "Oh, oh! I love it! You did such a good job."

His face lit up and I could tell he really was proud.

"Thank you, I'm just glad I did it with you."
I blushed and leaned forward and kissed him.

"I think I'll hang this up in my room." He looked at me, some blue paint on his cheek.

I wiped it off. "Do it. I'm glad you're proud."

He nodded, his face lit up and beaming. He was beautiful that way.

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