40. Cheer Up

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This might be the last chapter, I don't have a lot of ideas anymore and I find it hard to update.

Also sorry this took so long to write and release. So much good and bad has happened in my life and it's taken up a lot of my time.


The smell of cigarettes always brought back waves of nostalgia and memories I didn't want to remember, but my craving for one is what did me in.

I watched the smoke disappear into the air as I stared at the rising sun. Dean was still asleep and I didn't really want to wake him yet.

I had this empty feeling in my chest. I knew there was no reason for it, especially having Dean next to me as I slept, but I just couldn't shake it. I needed some fresh air and sitting in my windowsill helped.

Halfway through my cigarette and ten minutes of absolutely no thoughts, I heard movement in my bed behind me. I didn't feel like looking at Dean, though.

I heard a soft groan and a sigh. "Cas," Dean's rough voice whispered.

I turned my head to look over my shoulder. He really was beautiful, the just-risen sun leaving a warm glow on his skin and his messy hair against the pillow with the blankets wrapped around his waist.

"Come here, please." He stretched out his hand for me to take, and I turned back to the window, smashing my cigarette and closing it. I walked over to the bed and stood in front of him, watching him wiggle his fingers so that I would take his hand.

It took me a few moments to do so, but when I did take his hand he scooted over and let me in.

I settled in and felt as his arms wrapped around me. This felt good. His face was pressed against the back of my neck and I didn't feel too much like cuddling back. Just let him hold me.

"Why are you smoking." He said it more like a statement rather than a question.

"It wasn't a good choice. I just felt like I needed to." I answered softly.

His arms tightened around me and he let out a soft sigh. "It wasn't, but it's okay."

I didn't answer. Just stared out of the window as the sky got brighter. I think he fell asleep for a little while as he didn't move or say anything.

I let the silence consume me before he started moving again. A moment later and his hand was moving up and down my side.

"Are you okay, love?" He asked softly.

"What gave it away?" I asked a little more lively.

"Cigarette." Was all he answered before I felt his lips pressing kisses on my shoulder.

"Not really, no," I said quietly. "Thing is, is I don't know."

"That's okay," He continued to rub my side and give my shoulder kisses. "Want anything to eat?"

I shook my head as best as I could.

"Too bad, I'm making you something." He sat up and stretched before standing up.

I look over my shoulder for a moment. "Well if you're really going to, please put something on. My dad got home late last night."

"Oh fuck," I watch as he finds his boxers, a pair of pants and a shirt. "I'll be right back, love."

The door opened and closed and I turned back to the window.

I laid in the quiet for a while. I didn't feel much like grabbing my phone or listening to music. I was just waiting for Dean to get back.

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