27. Trouble

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It's been wild, y'all. I finally finished my AP concentration so now I'll have more time to update.
Had no WiFi for a while so obviously couldn't write anything.
Been having a really hard time because a "friend" is showing their true colors in full force and no one else seems to mind because it's all directed at me.
Anyway. I'm glad to be sitting here and writing this new update.


I can't look at him the same. Not anymore.

Not since that night.

And I still can't seem to get that someone so small and soft and literal could be like, well... that.

Yet here he sits across from me, a half eaten apple in front of him, eyes glued to a book and his hands delicately holding the pages.

Pretending that what he did hadn't happened and I'm still not over it.

"Dean... Dean. Dean?"

Suddenly I'm snapped back on to planet earth.

"Oh, yes Cas?" I blinked harshly a few times to get out of my haze.

"Is there something wrong? Something on my face?"

His painter's-hands gently reach up and touch his face.

"What? No, there's nothing wrong."

"Oh. You've seemed a little far out lately, are you sure?" He tilts it's head slightly and squints.

"Yeah, I'm sure there's nothing." I give him a light smile to reassure him and he nods and returns to his book.

I look down at the wood grain in the table, following it with my eyes when something sharply pokes my head. "What the...?" I question as I look down and see that it's a paper airplane.

I turn around to see none other than Crowley and Benny. The lesser of the evils in my old "friend group."

I give them a blank look before looking back at the table and keeping my head low.

Castiel looks up and his face goes slack. "Dean, they're coming."

"I know," I hiss. "Be quiet." I keep my head low but I can tell Castiel is obviously trembling.

"Winchester." I hear in Crowley's drawling, accented-low voice.

"What do you want, Crowley." I say through my teeth and stand up in front of them.

"We just wanna talk, Dean." Benny says reasonably.

"Hallway." Crowley says shortly and his eyes flick over to the doorway of the cafeteria.

I look back at Castiel who's lightly shaking his head.

"I'll be back soon, okay? I promise." I kiss his forehead and walk out with Crowley, but Benny stays behind.

I open my mouth to ask why, but Crowley shuts me down.

"I don't want a fight, well I don't want to fight between us. I'm just here to say that I don't agree with everything that's been happening lately." He stands formally, just like he always does. Like he runs the place.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I shove my hands in my pockets to attempt to battle the sudden desire to punch him in the face. "I don't agree with the fact that you blindly followed Alastair."

"Exactly why we're here. Though, I did not entirely like Alastair, I believe he shouldn't have been expelled and charged after what he did to Cassie out there." His eyes drift back to the cafeteria where Benny is attempting to talk to Castiel, who's hands are clenched on the book tightly enough to tear the pages.

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