8. Only to Forget

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I was happily on my way to the cafeteria to sit with Anna and Jess, when I noticed something strange.

As I had stepped in, everyone collectively got quiet and watched me, occasionally whispering to each other.

I hurry to my table, confused at what was going on.

"Anna... Jess?" I sit down and say quietly. "Am I missing something?"

"You haven't seen-" Jess starts, but Anna cuts her off.

"You and Oliver..."

"What about?" I was very confused. No one should know, should they? Unless someone had been spying on us last night.

Suddenly I hear a really loud whistle in the quiet of the café. "Yo Castiel Novak! Aren't you a hot little thing?"

The cafeteria goes back to normal, laughing and more cat-calling being shouted at me.

Anna and Jess look around, sad at how inconsiderate everyone is.

Quietly, Anna slides her phone across the table, open on instagram with a picture.

My picture. That Oliver took. And I'm tagged.

I shake my head, sliding the phone across the table back at Anna.

"What's so bad. What's so wrong. It's not anything major." I cross my arms, becoming slightly anxious.

"Nothing, Cas. It's nothing. It's just a super popular picture and... normally people aren't used to that kind of thing..." Jess answers.

Someone jumps up on a table and the cafeteria quiets down again after a bit of shouting.

"Cassie! Show us what you're wearing today!" He yells.

Someone else joins in. "Yeah, give us a little peek!"

"I- I have to go." I say to Anna and Jess before picking up my bag and rushing out, the closest guys tugging on my clothes. But luckily I get away.

I walk past the exit doors and just as I do, Oliver enters in undoubtedly just having finished a cigarette.

"Hey, Cassie." He says as he puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Oliver. I- not right now." I try to shake off his arm.

"What's wrong?"

"You posted it. You showed everyone." I stopped walking.

"Is that wrong? Should I have not?" He became really worried.

"Well... not necessarily. It's just now I'm being called for it and I just didn't expect it." I looked down at our shoes.

"Called? People are harassing you??"

I nod softly and he wraps his arms around me.

"I won't let them. I'm sorry. I'll take it down." He shows my his phone as he does, deleting the picture.

"Thank you." I sigh in relief and feel his hand under my chin, tilting it up so I look at him and a kiss being planted on my lips.

I reciprocate, moving away after and letting him take my hand.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Livvi."

"I have to get to class, I'll see you later love?"

"Yes." I let his hand go, watching as he walks to class when I hear stomping down the hall.

"You!" I hear, venom in his voice.

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