21. Two Points for Dean

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The chapter we've all be waiting for. ;)


"Good luck, Dean. I know you'll get the job!" Sam exclaims while hugging me goodbye.

"Thanks, Sammy. I hope I do. Be good for Castiel."

He smiles and gives me a thumbs up with Castiel while I smile back and head to my car.

I was very anxious, hoping I get this job because not only would it be nice to have extra money, Sam and I need it.

Since our landlord decided I was old enough, he called to inform that if I didn't get a job soon, all of our utilities would be shut off and the police would be called to remove us from the house.

And that panicked me.

So I applied to as many places as I could. Stores, restaurants. A ton of places in the mall.

I was getting desperate.

Finally I got a call back from a little department store in the mall. Clothes and things.

I didn't mind what I would be put to do. Keeping inventory, displaying things, working the register.

I would be payed $6.50 an hour and that would undoubtedly raise the more I worked.

I parked my car and got out, anxiously fixing my tie and adjusting my suit jacket.

I heard this place was serious.

I walked into the mall and found the little store, walking in and greeting the person behind the cash register.

"Anything you need help with?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm here for an interview."

She nodded and lead me around the counter to the manager's room.

"Hi, you must be Mr. Winchester." He says.

I nod and take a seat. "Yes I am."

"To the point," He says as he opens a cabinet and grabs what must be my application. My anxiety intensifies. "I looked over your application and although you've got no experience, it's not difficult to catch on and you seem like the type of person to do so quickly. Your training starts next week."

The butterflies in my stomach erupt. "I'm... I'm hired?"

"Yes. After training, you'll be sent a timetable of when you'll be working. Welcome to the team." He smiles warmly and offers a hand to shake.

We shake hands and I say a thank you before leaving the place.

I get out to the car and immediately become so happy.

I got the job! And it was so easy!

I quickly make my way home to break the news to Sam and Castiel.


In no time, I'm running up the porch steps and rushing into the house.

"Sam! Castiel!" I call.

"We're up here!" Castiel says back from upstairs.

I run up the stairs and to Sam's room. "I got the job!" I yell, raising my hand in the air.

Sam jumps up and gives me a hug. "I knew you would!"

Castiel smiles and hugs me after Sam, leaving a kiss on my cheek.

He follows me to my room and I pace out of excitement. "I can't believe it. I just walked right in and the manager says 'you've got the job.' This is so amazing." I smile and look at Castiel.

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