Merry Christmas (Extra)

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Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday.

And if you want, tell me what you did/what you are going to do for this holiday.

I'm hanging at my house to open presents and then me and the fam will go to a family friends' for dinner.

Enjoy this chapter :)



"Dean! Dean, wake up! Castiel, you too!"

I groan and open my eyes to Sam, hair out of place and shaking me awake.

"Sam," I whine. "It's too early."

"Please, Dean!" He cries, gripping on to my bedsheets.

Castiel whines and rolls over, rubbing his eyes. It takes him a second, but he realizes what's going on and springs out of bed.

"Dean! Sam! It's Christmas! We gotta go downstairs!" Castiel says excitedly and Sam nods.

They make their way out the door and I can hear them run down the stairs, so I stretch and yawn one more time before reluctantly getting out of bed.

'Whyyyyyy' I mentally groan.

I notice Castiel left his glasses on the bedside table and grab them before slowly making my way down the stairs.

"Look at all the gifts!" Sam yells, reading all the labels to who they go to.

I get downstairs and plop down on the couch, rubbing my eyes.

"Dean! Dean, look! This is so-"

I cut him off by raising a hand up to signal for him to stop talking, as I was still not awake.

Castiel rushes up and to the kitchen, coming back with a mug in his hand and handing it off to me as I trade him with the glasses.

"Thanks, babe." He says as he puts them on and kisses my forehead.

I blink and nod before taking a drink of coffee.

I carefully watch as Sam starts sorting gifts into piles, one for me. One for him. One for Cas.

I smile and drink the rest of my coffee down before joining them on the floor.

"Dee, how did you do this?" Sam immediately stops and looks at me, realizing he's got a lot of gifts from me.

Castiel looks at me a bit worriedly, and I look back but decide that Sam should know.

"Remember that job I got, Sammy?"

He nods and I continue.

"Ever since I started, I've been saving as much as I can. What was left over from paying bills and buying food, ever since the bills quit being payed. I would save that and it's going to things like this. Extra gifts for you. Things that we like or want." I say sadly.

This was Sam's first actual good Christmas, with more than just two gifts that weren't clothes or cheap little knickknacks. I wanted that to end, because he deserved so much more.

Sam nodded and started crying.

"No, no. Don't cry Sam. What's wrong?" I ask, concerned, and pull him into my arms.

"I don't n-need all of this, Dean! You could be saving it just in case."

"But you deserve it, you're the best little brother anyone could ask for."

Castiel joins the hug and we all laugh a little.

"Now, get to opening them." I smile and let him go, scooting back to my spot of gifts.

Sam dries his face and grabs a gift, and soon, we all are tearing through paper and unwrapping things.

Sam ended up with a bunch of books he wanted, an awesome new suede-leather jacket from Castiel, and a few science experiment sets.

Castiel got a small little bee keychain from Sam (with help from me), and from me a pair of navy blue thigh-high socks and a small ring with engraved wings on it.

From Castiel I got these awesome new combat boots and from Sam, this cool little cord-necklace with a charm I didn't really recognize.

Sam put all of his things away, excitedly talking about how he was going to read all of his books while Castiel and I cuddled on the couch.

"You're amazing." Castiel whispers while looking at the ring on his right hand.

I kiss him and wrap my arms tighter around him, inhaling his soft scent. "So are you."

"You really made Sam's day, huh?" He whispers again.lit

"I had to, Cas. I was tired of him not having a normal Christmas. Last time John- our dad, was around to 'celebrate' Christmas, we were small and do you know what he got Sam? A Barbie doll. A freakin' doll. I understand it's better than nothing, but you should have seen the look on his little face when he unwrapped it and- John- wasn't even there." I became angry at that thought. It wasn't fair to Sam and since then, I tried all I could to buy him small little things with what money I had.

Castiel nods softly and we cuddle for a while longer before he says he has to leave to do Christmas with his family.

"You can't stay a little longer?" I whine, burying my face in his hair.

"No, crazy Aunt Amara won't be happy that I'm late." He sighs and stands up, stretching.

He gathers his gifts and bag and with a goodbye hug from Sam and a kiss from me, I watch him leave.

"Dean?" I turn around and Sam is standing with a book in his arm.

"Yes, Sammy?"

"You made this day the best, thank you." He says and hugs me. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Sam." I smile and look at the brightly lit tree.

He quickly let's go of me and runs to the stairs. "Race you out to the snow!" He shouts.

"Oh no you don't!" I say before quickly running upstairs to grab my shoes and a coat.

I hear Sam run by and curse, pulling on the jacket as I run down the stairs behind him.

Sam starts laughing and runs out the front door. "I win!" He yells.

I laugh. Sure he thinks he does.

I grab a handful of snow and throw it at him. "No you don't!"

Sam yells how cold it is, but grabs a handful and throws it back at me, narrowly missing.

I think of how this may have been the happiest day I've ever had.

Another snowball is thrown directly at me, hitting my chest.

"It's war now!" I yell before making a snowball and throwing another at a running Sam.

I smile at him, his shrieking and laughter making me feel better, knowing that this was a good day for him too

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