35. Normal

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Here's some filler just to be soft.


Things were becoming more normal between Castiel and I. It was almost like before. Before everything happened.

But this time I really wanted it to be right. More dates, more time to really just be with him. Just to show him how much I truly do appreciate him.

So I sent Sam off to Kevin's and invited Castiel over for the night. All I wanted to do was do whatever he wanted.

It was just about 7 pm and all I was doing was waiting for him to arrive.

To pass the time I decided to do what I promised I would never do: light some candles and dim the lights.

I knew he would appreciate it and the thought of him coming in to see the room made me feel nice.

It wasn't long before I heard a knock on the door and opened to see Cas standing there smiling gently.

"Hello Dean." He steps in and kicks off his shoes, wearing pajama shorts and a sweatshirt.

"Hi angel," I answer, watching his smile stretch and kissing his forehead quickly. "I set up some pillows and blankets in the living room, you can get snacks if you want to."

He nodded and immediately went to the kitchen. I followed and hopped onto the counter. "How was your day?"

"Good, all I did was paint." I watched as he grabbed some popcorn and candy.

"Ah, art making art. What a nice concept." I pretended to be in deep thought.

He giggled, blushing and hitting my knee lightly. "That was so bad."

"You liked it. I know you did."

He shook his head, his smile wide. "I didn't. That was the worst."

"Haha, sure it was."

He nodded and I watched as he stood in front of me, resting his hands on my knees.

"Cas? What are you thinking?"

It took him a moment before he shook his head. "Nothing really. I just felt like I needed to stand right here."

I felt a smile creep onto my face. "Well, if you stand there, there's a chance you'll get a kiss."

"Really?" He perked up, leaning forward against my legs.

I nodded and gave him a soft kiss, feeling him smile against me.

He pulled away and got some water bottles. "You ready to watch a movie?"

I nodded and slid off, joining him in the living room.

We both settled on the bed in our blankets and pillows and started watching "Inside Out" per Cas's request and ate our snacks.

Before I knew it, Castiel was asleep. I sighed gently, pausing the movie. He looked so soft and cute laying there.

I picked him up, still wrapped in his blanket, and carried him up the stairs to my bed.



I woke up, arm around Dean. He was still asleep.

I stretched my arm and back out before getting more comfortable and setting my head on his shoulder.

"Dean." I whisper, seeing if he'll wake up.

He sighs quietly and I whisper again, more harsh this time.


He moves his arm to his side and turns his head.

"Dean wake up." I say a little louder and he instantly springs up.

He turns to me, breathing heavy.

"Are you okay?" I sit up, looking at him.

He nods, taking a deep breath and scrubbing his hands on his face. "What do you need Cas?"

"I'm hungry, I want to go get breakfast."

"That's why you woke me up?" He takes his hands off his face.

"Yeah... should I not have?" I look down at my hands.

"No it's fine, give me a few minutes to wake up and we'll go."

I nod and lay back down with him.

He traced circles into my shoulder as we laid in silence, Dean yawning as he woke up.

After a few minutes he looked at me. "Ready to go?"

I nod and grab my glasses, standing up and stretching.

"Where would you like to go?" He pulled on some shoes and grabbed his keys.


He nods, smiling as he opened the door and waited for me to go.

We made our way downstairs and I grabbed my bag, the both of us going out to his car.

It wasn't long before we were parking and walking into IHOP, not a lot of people there yet because it was kind of early.

We got a booth seat and the both of us talked about nothing as we looked over the menu.

I ordered chocolate chip and strawberry pancakes with eggs, hash browns, and bacon while Dean got classic pancakes.

I was half way through my pancakes and sides when I saw Dean smiling.

"What?" I looked at him, stopping.

"You're so cute. Especially with all your food."

I blush, not knowing how to respond as he chuckles and takes another bite of his pancakes.

For the rest of the time there wasn't too much talking, just us laughing and smiling which felt really nice and normal for us.

I reached out for his hand, Dean taking mine and rubbing his thumb across his knuckles. He did that for a moment before bringing my hand to his lips and kissing my knuckles.

He let go of my hand and I looked at it, seeing syrup from his lips on it.

"Ew, gross! You left syrup on me!" I wiped my hand on my napkin and shook it off a little.

He laughed. "That's not the only thing that could be sticky."

I stopped and looked up at him, watching as he winked at me.

I felt my face go hot and red and I hid it in my hands.

He laughed some more and continued to eat.

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