41. Until I See You Again, My Love

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Hey y'all! I'm back for the official final chapter (and an epilogue). I started college and it's gotten crazy busy, but I was laying here thinking about how I couldn't end the story like that. This one deserves an official ending.


A year and a half.

That's how long Castiel and I have been together.

His fingers intertwined with mine, his head on my shoulder, and his legs pumping under the deck below us.

The setting was almost too perfect.

I had woken earlier that morning to an epiphany that as we had only a week before we went our separate ways- him to an upscale art school in New York and me staying behind to pick up Bobby's mechanic business- I should take Castiel out by himself. What better way to do that than to the lake?

As waves rolled against the banks and crashed below us, the sun had begun to set. The golden glow of the sky lit up Castiel, almost as if he glowed too. It made his skin warm and complemented the pink shirt and crop top that he had on, making him look almost angelic.

There had been no words spoken between us since we had gotten there. We both knew what was on our minds: the fact that we wouldn't be together after this trip.

My heart was beating out of my chest. It was that idea that was making my stomach twist and the weight of sadness settle into my chest. I felt like I was being robbed of so many things with him. I felt like I didn't have enough time with him.

Yeah, I knew he was coming back, but how long was he going to be away? Would we still have the same feelings? Would we still know each other?

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt his head move and he looked up at me.

"Dean." His voice was soft, almost as if he didn't want to talk.

"Yes, Castiel?"

"I don't want it to be like this the entire week. I don't want either of us sad, we both are still here together. I want to do things with you. What can we do?"

I could tell his thoughts were heavy too, as his eyes were glistening with tears that probably wouldn't fall.

"Well... There's hiking around, we can swim, fish, hang out and do things in our AirBnb." My thumb started tracing circles on the back of his hand. I didn't want him to be sad, even though I was.

He nodded, thinking about our options. Then, not understanding what he was doing, he grabbed his small bag that he had beside him and shuffled around inside for something. Without letting me see, he moved to straddle my hips with his arms around my neck. My hands went to his waist and I hid my face in his neck.

His fingers tangled into the hair at the nape of my neck and I could hear him sniffling as his breath hitched with sobs. At that moment I let it go, too.

We both held each other tightly as we cried. I felt so stupid, but it was better to get it out now than later.

He laughed shakily as he pulled away enough to look at me, wiping his face with the back of his hand and then wiping my tears away with his thumb. "Sh... It's okay." He kept repeating "it's okay" as if he was reassuring himself more than me.

"I'm glad you had this idea." His voice was watery, and he spoke as clearly as he could through his tears.

I sniffled. "Why?"

"Because I didn't know how else to spend the time with you before we left. I didn't want to just be at home with you and miss going out. I didn't want to miss you." He got a little shaky towards the end.

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