10. Maybe I Do

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Just a cute little update.


I wake up at about eight in the morning, immediately sitting up in panic.

"I'm late for school!" I yell, Sam running in a second later, carrying a pillow.

"Shut up, idiot! It's the weekend and I'm trying to sleep!" He says, throwing the pillow at me.

I sit there and scratch my head, nodding. "Yeah... yeah it is."

He rolls his eyes and walks over to my bed, grabbing the pillow and turning to leave.

I grab Sam's wrist and yank him on to the bed.

"Dean!" He shrieks as I start tickling him.

"C'mon, Sammy. Spend some time with your older brother!" I shout above his laughing and shrieking.

"D-dean! Stop!" He says, trying to get my hands away while laughing.

I eventually stop as I hear him begin to have the hiccups.

"Dean, you jerk!" He whines, hiccuping in the middle.

I laugh and smash a pillow into his face.

He pulls it off, laughing and relaxing beside me.

"How did you sleep?" I ask him, looking over to him as he moves on to his side.

"I slept well until you woke me up yelling about school."

"Oh hush." I relax back against the pillows, the both of us laying there quietly.

"Hey Dean?" Sam says softly.

"Yeah, Sammy?"

"Is Castiel the one you used to be friends with...?"

I lay there for a second, Sam not having brought up his name in forever.

"What about him?"

"You seemed to be having a kind of dream and it woke me up, so when I went to check on you, you kept mumbling his name."

I don't remember the dream, I'm sure I would if it were a nightmare or...

"I don't know, Sammy. I don't remember." I look over at him and he's asleep, snoring softly.

I smile at how peaceful he looks and slowly drift off.


I wake up a while later, my arm around Sam and his arm thrown across my chest.

I carefully get up without waking him, grabbing my phone and going downstairs to find something for breakfast.

I stretch as I make my way downstairs, rummaging through the fridge and finding bacon and eggs, and begin cooking some breakfast.

I look at my phone and see a message from two hours ago.

PrettyBoyBlue: Coffee on Main. Be there at noon.

I look confused at the message. Why was he asking me to a coffee shop?

I thought it important that it seemed urgent and looked at the time.

"Dammit!" I yell, turning off the stove and throwing my spatula on the counter.

It's 11:15.

I rush upstairs as fast as I can, grabbing clothes quietly from my room as to not wake Sam.

I run into the bathroom, quickly turning on the shower and brushing my teeth.

In record time I shower and get dressed and quickly grab my leather jacket.

I scribble a note to Sam and stick it on the back of his hand so he'd see it right away.

"At coffee shop on main. Eggs and bacon on stove for you. Be back soon.


I get out to my car, seeing it's 11:45 and I've got just enough time to get there.



I sit awkwardly in one of the chairs in the corner of the shop, waiting to go up and order my coffee when Dean gets here.

If he does.

I open my phone and see he's read the message.

I stare at the wood grains in the table and listen to the people talking and laughing and walking in and out of the shop.

I begin to think he won't come when someone slides into a chair across from me.

"Hi, Dean." I say, looking up to see him, his bright green eyes catching mine and his leather jacket looking good.

"Hi, Castiel." He answers. "What would you like?"

I start reaching for my wallet. "Vanilla bean Frappuccino."

"It's on me, put your wallet away." He says, standing up and pushing in his chair.

"What? No." I hand him some money but he won't take it.

"No. What would you like to eat?"

I'm surprised. I was the one that asked him here yet he's paying for everything?

"Nothing. Take my money."

"Castiel, I'm not taking your money and that's final. Now what would you like to eat?" He says with a slightly harsh undertone.

"Lemon cake, please..." I say quietly.

He nods and smiles before leaving to the counter.

A few minutes later he comes back to our table, arms full with our drinks and food.

"Dean, really."

"What? Don't judge." He sits down with a large piece of pie and begins digging in.

I shake my head and take a sip of my coffee, happy with the taste.

"So, what am I here for?" He asks, taking a sip of his black coffee and looking across the table at me.

I pick at the sleeves of my sweater, suddenly becoming a little anxious. "I wanted to talk to you about us?"

He sets his fork down, sitting back in his chair. "Us? I'm a little confused, Castiel-"

I cut him off. "If it were to be us."

He nods, still looking a little confused.

"I'm... I'm not ready for another relationship just yet, not after Oliver..." I trail off, remembering everything, Dean watching me. "But I just need to know that since we are on okay terms now that you won't suddenly go back to bullying me when your friends come back."

He looks down and I can tell he's ashamed. "They're not my friends anymore. I don't talk to them," he says quietly. "And I won't when they do come back."

I nod and eat a bit of my cake. "And you promise?"

He nods. "I do."

"And I want you to know, I need to know... I've always liked you, you know? No matter how much you and your friends hurt me and I hated you in that moment, I like you. And I want to know that through all of that you did too?"

He nods lightly. "I'm sorry for all of that and-"

"Dean. We already talked about it. Just let it go."

He nods again and it's quiet as we pick at our food.

"Do you like me?" I ask suddenly.

"What?" He asks, a little startled.

"Do you... like me?"

He takes a moment before answering.

"Maybe I do."

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