33. A Date?

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School has started and it's going to take a lot of my time once it picks up, and it doesn't help that it's exhausting. No matter what, I'll try to push out updates every weekend, and if not then every other weekend. Thank you to the few who have stuck around this long to read this story. I really appreciate you all.


The smell of oil and metal burned my nose. I heard a few clanking noises and tinkling of metal before a chuckle sounded from underneath the car.

"Alright baby!" Dean rolled out from underneath it, right next to my feet where I was leaning against the hood.

I lightly bounced my heel off the wheel of my car. "Is it all fixed?"

"One way to find out." He sat up for a moment, arms resting on his knees as he wiped sweat off of his forehead.

I reached over to the work bench and grabbed a water bottle, offering it to him and he sighed as he cracked open the lid and took a long drink from it.

He stood up and stretched.

"Time to turn the car on?" I was hoping it worked. This old piece of junk kept breaking down and after seeing how much it needed work, Dean offered to fix it this time.

I distastefully kicked the wheel again.

He nodded and reached into the car through the window, cranking the key as the engine sputtered and then roared to life.

"Alright!" He said again, a grin splitting his face as he took a clean rag and wiped off his hands.

I smiled at his excitement and hugged him, not minding how dirty his shirt was, and the fact he smelled like oil and metal. "Thanks, Dean."

He hugged me back, warm and soft. "Of course, Cas. Glad I could help. I recommend a new car though, this is more trouble than it's worth."

I nodded, not letting go yet.

After a few seconds he let me go but kept his hands grasped lightly around my forearms.

"Cas..." He finally spoke, softly.

I think I physically cringed. I was ready to shut down in case he brought up not wanting to be my boyfriend again. Because he still hadn't given me a straight answer. "Just... leave it. I get it." I wouldn't look any higher than his collar bones.

"What? Castiel, that's not what I was going to say." He shook his head, emphasizing.

I really looked at him, eyes stinging a little.

"I was going to ask..." He sighed. He seemed really conflicted. "Would you go on a date with me? Tonight?"

I looked at him, astonished. I wasn't ready for that. I didn't expect him to ask, I was sure he was just ready to tell me he couldn't date me again. But a date? Tonight? I felt a little more hopeful.

"Where would we go?"

A little smile spread across his lips. "I was thinking the fair because it's in town, but if you've got a better idea, let me know."

I nodded. I've been wanting to go. This would be even more perfect. "The fair sounds amazing."

"Like you, be ready by 6:30 tonight. I've got tickets." He smiled more.

I nodded, butterflies erupting in my chest. I couldn't think of much to say except for "Do I not look good enough right now?"

He chuckled. "Your skirt and tank? Of course you do. Letting you get ready is an open invitation for you to get ready how you want, if you want. Because I know whatever you do you will look amazing."

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