24. Day at Home

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How would you like if this story went on forever??
I don't actually mean forever but a long time because I just don't want it to end and have so much I want to write.


I walk out of the store, rubbing my eyes and stumbling to unlock my car door.

I slide into the front seat and sigh, rubbing my face with my hands.

I put the key in the ignition and take comfort in the sound of the engine starting. I take out my phone and see the time.

10:45 pm.

I pocket my phone and buckle my seat belt, putting my car in drive and making my way home. . .

It's about 11 pm by the time I'm unlocking my front door and undoing my tie as I walk in and head for the stairs.

My mind is a bit groggy and my muscles are beginning to ache from stocking shelves all day at work, and it doesn't help that it was a long shift either.

I turn my doorknob, seeing its shut and am about to step in when I hear a soft voice.

"Is that you, Dean?"

"Yes, Sammy. Are you okay?" I whisper back.

"Can you come here?"

I walk as softly as I can to his room and take off my shoes before sitting down on his bed.

"What are you doing awake?" I ask.

"I couldn't sleep, I wanted you home, so I waited." He answers, the soft moonlight from in between his window curtains illuminating his face.

"Sam, you need some sleep kid." I whisper and gently pull the blankets up on him.

It makes me a little happy that he stayed up for me, but school was tomorrow and he should be asleep.

"Not yet. How was work?" He props his head on his arm, laying on his side. I lean back against his headboard, making myself more comfortable.

"Good, but tiring. I was there stocking shelves pretty much the whole time, besides working the register for a short while when I was needed." I cross my arms over my chest, the room quiet for a moment.

I can hear Castiel's soft snoring coming from my room, the door slightly open.

"I like Castiel." He suddenly whispers.

"Well, I'm glad you do. It's good that you do." I smile.

I watch the silhouette beside me nod his head.


"Yes, Sam?"

"How did you know you liked boys? That you liked Castiel?"

I become a little embarrassed, and not understanding why he's asking and not really having thought about this, sitting quietly and thinking of an answer.

"Well... I guess I didn't ever really know until I started asking myself 'what do you think of that girl? Or maybe that one?' and I could never answer myself on that. But then I saw Castiel and how open he was, so then I started watching myself around guys. You know, I started asking myself those same questions. 'What about this boy? What do you think?' and I could always give myself some sort of answer, no matter how small."

I didn't really know where that answer came from, but I was satisfied and I guess Sam was too because he was quiet for a few moments.

It kept quiet in the room and eventually I started to get up, thinking Sam was asleep.

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