19. What's That?

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I'm back. Better. Still trying to find myself and where I belong.
Most importantly, ready to write and share these next few updates.
Thank you so much for being patient. I hope you all enjoy this update. It's kinda filler.


I'm not even in the door to my house when my dad is raising his voice at me.

"What were you doing, staying another night with Dean!" His voice gets louder as he meets me in the entrance. "You were one more minute away from being-" He freezes, his face heating up with anger.

"WHAT. IS THAT SPOT. ON YOUR NECK." My Dad points at me accusingly.

"Oh? The hickey?" I ask, looking down at it.

"Don't you DARE tell me that boy- that he- what he did to you! Bedroom, now!"

I mentally laugh. My dad is very awkward about the fact that I'd rather be with a guy rather than a girl.

Nonetheless, he's accepting. Just not completely comfortable with how to approach it.

I make my way to the stairs, my dad following me.

My stomach sinks because this seems like another "talk" I don't want to get into.

I open my bedroom door and set my bag down, crawling on to my bed as my dad sits in the chair across from it.

"Now, Castiel. This isn't going to be any less awkward for me-"

I grit my teeth and groan. "Daaaaad."

He raises a hand to stop me and with all his might continues talking. "I understand you're into boys and all, but that doesn't make it any less different than if you were with a girl-"

"Oh my god, please stop!" My hands immediately tangle themselves into my hair.

"Be quiet! As I was saying... it doesn't make it any different. Please, whatever you do, do it safely-"

"Ugh, why do you do this every single time I come home from a boyfriend's house or take one here!"

"Because I want to make sure you're okay! Now listen," He squeezes his eyes shut and rubs his temples. "I need you to answer honestly."

I clench my mouth shut, already knowing the most embarrassing question he's going to ask.

"Did... Did you and Dean... You and Dean-"

I roll my eyes and cut him off because he's struggling too much and it won't ever end. "-Have sex? No, we didn't."

"Oh- oh okay. Good." He sighs lightly. "Then... how did you get the- the hickey."

"God, we were making out, Dad. Please quit asking anymore embarrassing questions." I hide my face in my hands.

"Sorry, Castiel. But one more thing. Are you and him dating?"

It takes me a second to answer but I finally do. "Y-yes... he asked me last night."

"Oh." He says and awkwardly stands up and leaves the room, shutting the door after himself.

I groan and grab my phone, calling Dean.

"Hello?" Dean questions.

"Dean." I answer, still very embarrassed.

"What did your dad say?"

"Yeah, about that. I got a 'talking to.'" I say through gritted teeth.

I hear Dean pull the phone away, laughing. It takes him a second to breathe and talk again. "Oh gosh, what did he say?"

"He told me to 'be safe-'" I get cut off by Dean howling with laughter. "Dean this isn't funny!"

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