Happy Halloween (extra)

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This is just a short extra chapter for Halloween and in between updates.

Enjoy this cute little chapter.

And happy Halloween. I dressed in a panda onesie and chilled at home with my friend, what did you wear and what did you do?



"Castiel!" I shout, opening his front door and waiting to go trick-or-treating.

I didn't care how old we were. Castiel found it fun and asked me to join him. Naturally, I couldn't say no to my boyfriend.

"In a minute!" He shouts back.

I adjust my cape, shaking my head at the ridiculous outfit I was put in. A little headband with a moon on the front, an armor-like chest plate and Greek skirt with leather sandals, a blue night sky cape and a moon scepter. I fix the headband and walk towards the door.
(The fan art on Instagram, at the top. Like that but reversed because Dean calls Castiel his sunshine, and obviously a bit changed.)
"I'm leaving without you!" I say as I grab the glow sticks and flashlights.

"Dean! A second!"

I hear his feet thudding down the stairs and turn around, seeing his cape flutter down around his legs.

"Amazing." I whisper as he comes closer, wearing a matching outfit except his has the sun on his headband and beautifully done makeup around his eyes to match, with a sun painted on his shoulder to match the moon on mine. He fixes his dress and slips on some matching shoes.

"What? Am I too stunning for my night in shining armor?" He twirls around, his cape and dress fluttering after him as he laughs at his own joke.

I nod, blushing as he does so and smiling. "Ready to go?"

"Of course." He grabs his pillowcase and we are on our way.

We went to house after house and my feet were tired, but watching how excited Castiel was to get candy was the cutest thing and I couldn't help but let him pull me along.

Everything was okay until he walked up to a house with an open garage, eerie music playing and soft fog rolling out.

He stopped just as I was about to walk in.

"Come on, Cas. Don't you want to get more candy?" I slung my bag of candy over my back.

He shakes his head, not able to speak.

"Are you scared?" I walked back to him to make sure he was alright.

He nods lightly and grabs my hand.

"Come on, it's not that bad." He reluctantly let me guide him in, quickly being enveloped with fog.

"Dean. Dean, I'm scared." He said quickly.

"It's okay, sunshine. Your night's got you." I pulled him closer, embracing for the jump scare of a ton of fake spiders falling from the ceiling.

Castiel screams and I grip on to his hip, murmuring into his ear to calm him, saying they're fake and there's nothing to be afraid of.

We walk for about five more seconds when we see the person handing out candy.

"Outstanding costumes, my friends. Take some candy." He puts a generous handful in both of our bags. "Now try not to get too spooked," he winks, knowing it was Cas who screamed because his face was now hidden in my cape. "You have to go back through to get out. This way." He gestures to the way we have to go and I lead Castiel onward.

Two more scares in which a person in a creepy clown costume jumps out and another being a fake ghost (and a few more of Castiel shouting and screaming) and we finally make it out.

We get well past the house and I turn to look at Castiel who is still slightly shook.

"Hey. Come here." I stop and open up my arms, wrapping them around him when he gets near. "It's okay. It was all fake, not real."

I feel him nod, relaxing a little. "You make it better."

I smile and tilt his head up to look at me. He smiles a little and I lean in, our lips connecting and a million firecrackers shooting through my stomach and tingling into my lips.

He pulls away and smiles, putting his face back into my cape.

"Now let's finish this night by watching movies and eating candy, yeah?"

"Yeah." He answers softly, grabbing my hand and leading me back home.

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