32. Will You Be My Boyfriend Again?

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Sorry it's been a while. School starts tomorrow for me and getting things done has been hell. I hope you enjoy this update!


A groan escaped my mouth as I tried hard to open my eyes. They ached. Everything ached. My head pounded, my throat burned. Eventually I got my eyes open without the light stabbing at them.

I immediately realize I am not in my own room and I sit up as fast as my body would allow. My hands gripped the bedsheets and then travelled to the oversized shirt I was wearing.

I blinked hard a few more times and looked around the room, relaxing a bit as I realized it was Dean's.

I looked at the space beside me but it was empty.

I don't really remember how I got here, it all was really groggy and I knew I had drank too much last night.

I thought about getting out of bed when I looked over the side, and there Dean was, on his stomach in a bundle of blankets and pillows. I sighed softly and laid back down, feeling a little empty inside about how this happened.

I know that I wanted to talk to him- I know that I did and I'm happy he went and got me, especially when I needed help- but I don't know how to feel. I was such a prick to him and all he's done is love and protect me. And I haven't done the same for him.

And yet he keeps doing it over and over again.

I am really sorry for the way I acted towards him. I should have believed him over my now-not-friend but I was so hurt it came up in the first place. And I know it hurt Sam to see his brother like this.

I stared up at the ceiling, dread hanging over me. I hurt not only Dean but Sam too. And here Dean was, picking up my pieces just because of pure love.

I felt absolutely awful. It felt wrong laying here in his room with Dean beside me on the floor. I didn't deserve this. He deserved someone so much better. But he still came.

I continued to lay a little while longer when I heard some shifting and a soft groan. Dean stood up a moment later, not awake.

"Cas," his voice got my attention. It was that rough and quiet one I love. "How are you doing?"

I moved over a little and he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Better, thank you Nurse Dean." I said quietly, trying to keep it light.

He blinked hard a few times and scrubbed his face with his hands. "You probably need some pain killers, they're on the bedside table."

Sure enough, when I turned my head to look, there was a glass of water and two pills. I graciously took them and polished off the glass of water, not realizing how thirsty I was. "Thank you."

"No problem." He stretched and yawned.

There was an awkward energy between us so tight I could almost reach out and touch it.

He scrubbed his face again and suddenly spoke. "I accept your apology."

"W-what?" I squinted my eyes, realizing my glasses weren't on.

"I accept your apology." He looked at me. His face looked tired.

"H-how do you accept my apology?" I was confused as to why he would. I was such a jerk to him.

"Because I understand. You noticed I was gone a while at the party and then Anna was being weird around us. Seeing the picture probably confirmed some of your insecurities and it made you upset. I do wish you would have let me explain and talk to you about it... It was hard trying to but you kept denying me, jumping to conclusions."

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