22. Cameras and Cuddles

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Wooo my life is just a mess right now so sorry this is late.

Just some fluff and filler because I'm so busy that I can't write a proper chapter :')


I stretched my legs and my muscles protested, sore and stiff. I open my eyes to my blurry room and absentmindedly begin moving my thumb in circles on Dean's chest.

It took me a second to regain my surroundings.

Dean, skin, blanket... no clothes on.

I tilt my head up and am immediately met with Dean's soft smile.

"Morning sunshine." He says, his voice deep and rough from lack of use.

I roll over slightly in his arm and stretch my arms out, rubbing my eyes after to get rid of the tired still stinging my eyes.

"Dean," I whine. "Quit it with your morning voice or we're having round two." I mumble, scrubbing my hands up and down my face.

"I wouldn't mind that." He whispers, kissing my cheek softly. "How did you sleep?"

I smile at him. "Amazing."

He hums lightly and smiles, his arm draped around my waist and his thumb making light circles on my hip.

We lay in the quiet for a minute before every detail comes rushing back from last night.

I sit up, looking at the hickeys peppering his skin. I smirk and lightly trace my fingers over them.

"Yeah, you really went to town, huh?" Dean grins at me.

I blush and cuddle further into his side.

"I'm not complaining." He says quietly, tracing circles on my arm.

"Oh, I know for sure you aren't," I answer. "You wouldn't stop asking me to make more. Actually, you wouldn't shut up about it-"

"Okay, Cas! I get it!" He exclaims, his face red and his hand covering his eyes.

"You know you like it." I whisper, sitting up a little to kiss him.

He relaxes into it and uncovers his eyes.

I feel a smile tugging at my lips and rest my head back on his chest.

It's quiet again for a minute before I feel Dean shifting and moving.

"How do you turn this on?" He asks, settling back into his place.

A sense of nervousness rushes to me before I look up and realize he's holding my old camera.

"Oh, I forgot that was on my nightstand." I exhale while grabbing the camera from his hands and turning it on and taking the lens cap off.

I hear the familiar noise of the camera clicking and buzzing of it turning on before handing it back to Dean.

"I don't know what you'll want to do with that." I look up at him as he gently looks through the viewfinder.

"It's cool, what did you take pictures of with it?"

I feel a little blood rush to my face, hoping he doesn't find the button for the screen.

Some of it was friends, us out doing things.

Some of it, well. Some of it of me. And not well dressed, either.

I pray he doesn't take a picture and just puts it away, but sadly that doesn't work.

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