20. Dinner? With Chuck?

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It's been long enough.

Maybe the chapter after this will be actual Castiel and Dean smut.


I close my locker after lunch and Dean's familiar face appears from behind the door.

"Hey, Cas." He smirks, taking my hand.

"Dean." I answer short and simply.

He kisses my cheek and I smile as he walks me to my class.

"Hey, there was actually something I wanted to talk to you about. I talked to my dad last night and he's invited you over for dinner."

Dean suddenly stops. "Wait, Dinner? With your dad, Chuck?"

"I just thought that since you're my boyfriend, he should get more used to you." I answer slowly.

"I... uh sure. Guess that's fine." He stutters, taking out his phone to probably ask Charlie to watch Sam for a little while.

We continue walking and I finally get the nerve to ask.

"Is there something wrong with inviting you for dinner?"

"No, there's nothing wrong at all. It's just... your dad can be a little- just a little- scary sometimes I guess?"

I laugh. My dad? Scary? "You said scary?"

He nods. "He's all 'be home by 9:30' and 'hands off' and all that..."

He finishes the sentence just as we reach my class and he kisses my forehead before leaving for his.

I enter and sit down and really think about what Dean said. Then I realized.

Dean's father hasn't been around for most of his life, Dean hasn't had rules or been told what to do and what not to do, going out or bringing someone home being one of them.

The thought makes me sad as the bell rings to signal the start of afternoon classes.



I anxiously mess with my hair, trying to make it look right as I check over, again, what I'm wearing.

Leather jacket. Metallica shirt. Jeans. My combat boots.

Finally I get the text from Castiel that it's good to come over and make my way downstairs.

"Okay. I will be gone from now until about 8:30, no going out, having friends over, boyfriends or girlfriends." I say, more pointedly at Charlie.

Charlie rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Really, Dean."

"Just have to make sure you know. There are movies, board games. I don't know, Sam is pretty interested in his homework..." I say as I watch Sam read something and then scribble a note down.

Charlie shrugs and elbows Sam a bit. "Well Dean, you best be on your way. Don't want to leave your boyfriend waiting." She grins and raises her eyes brows as Sam walks around to give me a hug.

"I'll be home soon." I say as I look down at my little brother.

"I know," he sighs. "Say hi to Cas for me and have fun."

"I will." I answer as I head out the front door and get in my car.

I'll be lucky if I make it through dinner alive.


I anxiously ring the doorbell and wait for the door to open.

I hear a muffled "IT'S DEAN, DAD!" from the other side and smile a little at how Chuck is already on high alert.

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