Chapter Two

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How come that he was still here!

I thought he might have applied for a school that was famous for sports. Arts and Humanities was not his cup of tea – rather coffee. He drank nearly five cups of coffee back then. I never knew that I was concerned about minor things like this about him; it was not that I liked the guy. I was scared of him.
I was awakened from the monologue by his voice.

“Are you new here?”

“Yeah, kind of.”

“Wanna go to the Principal’s?”

I gritted my teeth. I do, but not with you!

“I can manage it by myself. Thanks a lot for your kind gesture,” I bowed. “Please enjoy your nap or whatever.”

I collected my time table and the record books from the Principal’s office. What I had to do now was avoiding him. I found my locker. Quite by coincidence, it was my same old locker. The rotation of lockers for this year had become the same as three years before.

I knelt and felt the iron board at the bottom of the locker. Years before, I hid some of my old stuff under the broken board. Before I left it there, I applied super adhesive glue and fixed it back again, without retrieving my possessions.

The corners seemed as if it had not been noticed by anyone. I would get this board off tomorrow. I pledged to myself.

Meeting old friends was nice. But it was not nice to me. I had had only two best friends for my life and one would not be able to come to school and rescue me from the insults because she was hospitalised days ago for broken ribs. She had fallen from the staircase. The other was in a Commerce class.

“Chip Cookie is back at it again!” said Mandy as she walked past nudging me by her elbow.

“I cannot believe that she returned. I thought she left for good. Good bye to our lovely days at school from today onwards,” Liza yelped and clung on to Mandy’ arm.

I wished I could dive into the locker and lock myself for forever. Damn it! Why did I have to come here again? I did not have the subjects that I wanted to pursue in my previous school. That was why I came here again, not to see them!

I waited until they went to their classes. General English period was a common period for us, which necessarily meant that everybody in our class though they followed different subjects, would be in the same class as me.

Yes, I was to see him again.

Sitting in the first row, in front of the teacher’s table had been my trick for my entire school life in avoiding people. There was no way that this scheme would flop at a crucial moment like this. Reminding myself that I should speak to the office to ask whether my class could be changed, I started to open my books and get ready for the lesson.

Until the teacher arrived, I rolled pencils on my desk, which was a game that I used to play to pass time. The deal was to separate each pencil without making other pencils move after rolling the bunch of pencils together.

He entered the class with two of his old gang and as usual, sat in the last row. I pulled up my collars and tried to hide myself. I had to do my best. As he passed my desk, he bent a little next to me and asked, “Aren’t you a little too old for that?” I replied only with a smirk.

Speaking too much would get me into hot water invariably.

“Since it is the new term in the year, I think it would be better to start off with the tenses. You all displayed poor performance in grammar last year.” Our English teacher began the lesson. It felt good that he had forgotten that I was new, so that I was not asked to introduce myself.

“In the present perfect tense we use have with ‘I , we, you and they’ ...” The teacher demonstrated on the board. English was known to be a boring subject for guys. Our class was no exception. There was a low murmur rising from the back of the class. The teacher noticed that.

“The gentleman over there, I would like you to come to the front and take a seat. There is a vacant seat next to the teacher’s table. Bring your books,” the teacher said.

I turned my head. He had been asked to come to the desk adjacent to mine. This was not going to be good and I felt as if I were a cat on hot bricks. He smirked and sat next to me.

“Would you make a sentence using present perfect? As I remember, your grades were particularly bad for an English Literature student.” The teacher was not going to let him off the hook.

“With pleasure Mr. Robertson, I will do so.” He cleared his voice.

“I have known you for several years.”

His deep raspy voice was clearly audible. My heart skipped a beat. I did not have the courage to face him. I did not even turn to his side or join the applause.

Did he say that to... me? I hid my face in the book.

His friends cheered from behind.

“Wow, I am impressed.” Mr. Robertson, our teacher remarked and continued with the lesson. Time passed gradually.

The bell rang with a loud shrill. Throughout the period, I felt that I was being watched. That was exactly what should not happen.

He collected his books and as he was leaving he muttered, “I feel as if I have known you before.”

My entire system responded making me shiver on a bright sunlit day.

I just stared at the plywood board of my desk without saying anything.

What was happening to me?



Typing the chapters feel good. What do you think? Are there any improvements I should make?

Love you loads. 😘


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