Chapter Thirty Six

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It has been two days since the practice room incident. The following day was a national holiday which necessarily meant that today inevitably became an ideal day to hold a night camp.

Jungkook's sense of days was amazing.

When we kept rehearsing the lines, we could see the members of the Astronomical Society run here and there as if they were some ants from a disturbed anthill. Some were carrying decorations, garlands and painted rigifoam balls adorned with shards of broken mirrors and sequins.

 Some were carrying decorations, garlands and painted rigifoam balls adorned with shards of broken mirrors and sequins

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In the main hall, every crevice and hook had a glittery star hanging from it.

I was running on my way to the ICT lab when I met Kookie near the Principal's Office.

"Hey Kristene ..."

Jungkook did sound resigned and guilty.

But for what?

Nothing awkward ever happened between us as far as I knew.

"Hey Kookie..." I acknowledged.

"I could not apologise properly that day when ... you know... the dance practice room incident..."

"Kookie, that was just an accident. Both you and I know that, don't we?"


Jungkook seemed doubtful and bit the inside of his cheek as he thought for a moment.

"Yeah, an accident. What else would it be?" I said.

"Yeah, it was an accident. I hope I did not offend you."

"Silly, you were actually helping us out and it is I who should be apologising, not you. By the way what are you doing here?"

"Well, we are actually conducting a mini quiz competition at the school night camp. So I am waiting for the schools to confirm their participation. There are several invited school that haven't informed us of their decision yet."

"Oh.. I see. If I can, I will help you out with that. After all, you must be tired waiting for the calls."

"Thanks a lot girl. This would have been easy if our teacher in charge had been here so that the schools could have confirmed their participation to the teacher in charge. But unfortunately, Mr. Price is not here yet so I have to stare at the bleak phone."

"Wait till I go and check the ICT lab."

I excused myself and went to see what was up in the ICT lab.

Our ICT teacher was there, but Ryan and Sia were getting ready for an ICT exhibition that was soon to be held. Since there was not so much of work, I submitted my python code for review and excused myself and went to help Kookie.

When he saw that I was there to help him, he could do nothing but smile from ear to ear.

There was something about the way he smiled. It was the potential boyfriend type smile, but Kookie wouldn't choose me anyway.

"So you are free, I assume."

"Yeah, I can take care of the calls for 45 minutes from now onwards so you can go and check on the hall preparations now."

"Yeah, I should be supervising those too. I nearly forgot that." Kookie chuckled.

"So what should I do when someone calls up?"

"If they are confirming the participation, I need you to write down the name of the school and the number of members that will be attending. Make sure that they bring only one team as you know, our main hall cannot accommodate a load of teams as the chairs have been fixed to the floor now."

"I get it. I will do the work. You go and rest Kookie. There are already eye bags under your eyes. You should have slept than training me."

"Knock that off. Training you was not tiresome."

Now this is called Short Term Memory Loss. How could he forget the number of times I trampled his feet?

"See you then."

Kookie waved me a good bye, thanked and left.

I sat in the answer desk and waited for the call.

Half an hour was already gone and the phone rang.

"Hello, this is Yongsan-Gu High School. How can I help you?" I said in a cheery voice.

The caller was not so cheery. He sounded rough and businesslike. That was the air of the wealthy class - The Chaebols. The cold icy nature could just flow down the telephone lines also.

"I am Kang Donghan calling from Namchang- Dong High School Astronomical Society to confirm our participation to the night quiz conducted by your your school."

"Ahh, yes. How many members would be participating?"

"Just five."

"Thank you for confirming your participation."

"... Are you in the Astronomical Society as well?"

"No. I am just a respondent for today."

"I see. See you then."

Donghan gave a mysterious chuckle that raised the hair of my hands.

"Okay. See you."

I kept the phone down as the line was dead.

His tone of "see you then" meant something.

It was not the ordinary farewell greeting. It was not how Kookie or Yoongi said that.

This was really different.

I wished I knew.



I might take some time to update. I'm sorry for that, but don't give up on the story. Love you! 😘

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