Chapter Seven

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“Yah Kim Seokjin! Are you out of your mind?”

I yelled as he dragged me along the corridor.

He did not take notice of what I said and all the bystanders were quite in awe to find the most handsome guy in the batch dragging the famous Chip Cookie down the hallway. I saw them smirk in envy.

Finally when the corridor was clear, Jin pushed me to the wall. I was about to scream at him when he hushed me from his plam.

Oh God, his palm was softer than mine! Did he apply skin softener or something?

“I don’t really know what is wrong with these girls Kristene. How did this happen at all? You owe me an explanation,” Jin said.

“m-umm--,” I managed some muffled words and he realised that I couldn’t talk because of his hand and removed it.

“Are you that blind Jin? Do you even see my face? Patches are here and there. It is not that I like to have my face smeared with these, but what the hell am I supposed to do? Peel my skin off? I even met a dermatologist and she said that I was high on hormones – my freaking hormones! Chip Cookie suits me so well,” I said.

“Chip Cookie is something sweet, you are sweet too. These blemishes make you stand out from the regulars, don’t you think?” Jin said.

“Me what? Stand out? Oh yeah, stand out in the most humiliating way!”

“It is your personality that has to be attractive. Not your face. After all, if Mandy stands out in rain, you will not be able to recognise her at all,” Jin gave his weird laugh.

Was it just me or did I really hear windows being wiped?

I nudged him in the elbow. His laugh was funnier than the lame joke he made.

“Thank you Jin, It means a lot. I guess I am too attractive already.”

“Is that a ‘yes’ for the auditions?”


“You are coming for auditions with me. Meet me by the birch tree as the last period bell goes off. It is a challenge for you!”

He did not wait for my answer as he just disappeared into his drama class which was on the left of the corridor.

What did I get myself into now?

The ICT period was about the Golden Rule of information.

“Information is considered as most valuable at the crucial moment of receiving it,” Mrs. Watson kept on teaching us the subject and the normal stuff about data and information followed the course of the two periods. Only several of us had chosen ICT as a senior high school subject, so there was no drama at all.

The only drama that happened was when the teacher was not present in the ICT lab. That is when the kids went on surfing the net for private purposes. It is majorly because our school had a no phones or smart devices rule. The seniors always harvested the maximum harvest at points like this.

Likewise, our teacher excused the class for a while as she had been called for a meeting at the Principal’s office. We were asked to code an HTML web page in the meanwhile. But as usual, our senior peers are really efficient at multitasking.

“Waaaah look at this pic on fb!” Ryan’s voice brought our eyes on to his computer screen.

“Electronic devices are not allowed within the school premises. I wonder from where Mandy got the guts to post a selca!” It was Sia who was commenting.

Mandy’s pout was sickening and it made me want to throw up. Seriously, why did these show-offs think they are pretty in the first place?

“The Powder Rug has chaebol parents, does not she?” I asked Ryan, peeking in closer to have a better look at her.

“Yeah, both her mom and dad are CEOs in big construction firms in the country.”

“No wonder then. Our school is a place for middle class kids and I still do not understand why her parents send her here instead of a bigger posh school,” Ryan said.

“That is because the Powder Rug wants to show off and she can do that well here,” I replied.

“From where the hell did you get that name Kristene? Powder Rug?” Sia asked while giggling.

“I just said it. Nothing much.”

The three of us suited well but sadly both of them were in Commerce classes and I was in an Arts class. At times I wished that I did Commerce, but I sucked too much at accounts.

“Whoa guys, get your stupid eyes here!” Ryan yelled.

“What for? We already saw the Powder Rug’s ugly pout,” Sia said.

“Kris, isn’t this the guy in your section? 12 A2? The one who is named Bin Min Tin Something?” Ryan asked me.

I came closer to the screen.

“Why yes. That is Min Yoongi,” I said.

“Who is that girl he is kissing at the back of the class?” Sia was curious.

“Park Eun Jisoo,” said I. I would have been shocked if he did not make out with her. I had seen her passing glances on Min Yoongi.

“Information is valuable the most at the crucial point we receive it,” Ryan said as he smirked.

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