Chapter Thirty Eight

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“Everyone come in a queue and get registered.”

Jungkook was saying from the little loudspeaker he had in his hand. His face lit up when he saw that I was there, but like a fresh paper on fire, his face crumpled when he saw that Yoongi was beside me.

“Hey ya President Kookie, Kristene at your service. Plus this loafer wouldn’t mind helping.” I pointed at Yoongi.

“Yes Prez, I wouldn’t mind as long as I get to stalk her.”

I nudged Yoongi. Couldn’t he just stop making it obvious?

“Well, the invited school teams are arriving. So I need Kristene at that registration desk. Min Yoongi-ssi, can you help with hanging the sponsors’ banners?”

“With pleasure.” Yoongi said and left.

Kookie briefed me on the registration procedure and said that there were twenty five teams.

“Kristene, are you okay with this job?”

“I am. It is one of the easiest.”

“Call me if you get any situation here. You know right? Boys’ schools might offer some trouble because you are too pretty to be at a registration desk.”

“Shut it Kookie. Let me do that.”

“If you insist then...” He bowed and left.

Tiime was slowly dwindling away and for two hours I had been registering the schools. My body already felt numb after having been sitting for a long time in the same posture.

I got up and stretched my hands.

“Excuse me miss...?”

Quite embarrassed, I turned around. The voice sounded good to be honest.

I was greeted by a team from some boys’ school. The uniforms said well enough that they were from one of the richest schools in Seoul.

“I am sorry. I was just -”

“It is okay miss. We can understand.”

Wow, so polite and refined.

“What is the name of the school, please?” I asked.

“Namchang Dong High School.”

“I see...”

I wrote their details down and as they were leaving for the mainhall, the leader of the team stopped again and asked his team to proceed.

“Could you perhaps be the girl who answered my call of confirmation?”

“I don’t really know ... Mr ..?”

I didn’t know his name.

“Donghan. Kang Donghan.”

“Oh, yes. I was the one. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Kristene Andrews.”

“It is gonna be nice knowing you.”

Donghan bowed and left after giving me a weird smile.

Things were seriously creepy.

When the registrations were done, I went to check on Yoongi.

Who knew into what type of trouble he was getting into?

I helped the astronomical society members in the arrangements and in serving food and coffee and I couldn’t find Min Yoongi for 3 hours.

It was already dark and the marking of the quiz papers was happening. Almost all the teams had left for the observation round. The night camp for the students was happening in the main hall in the meanwhile. They were being lectured on stars.

I was at the back of the hall, because I didn’t understand anything and I was too lazy to pay attention. I was half way asleep when I felt someone tapping on my shoulder.

I was quite excited that Min Yoongi had had come again to bother me. But I was gonna act grumpy so that he will pull off an aegyo.

“Min Yoongi, can’t you see that I am trying to have a nice --”

I turned around.

“- sleep.”

It was Jeon Jungkook.

“Jung Kookie ... I am sorry.”

“It’s okay. What are you doing here anyway?”

“Well, was going to have some sleep. I am quite tired.”

“Oh I see. I shouldn’t have made you work. It is my fault.”

“No Kookie, I wanted to help you so bad ... it was my decision. But what are you doing here?”

“Let's say that I was tired too. I was looking for a place to sit and saw you. So I came around. I hope I am not bothering you.”

“No, not at all. Is the camp going on well?”

“Yep. The sky is so clear today. Such an iconic day for a night camp. People were quite in raptures over my selection of dates though the same would have laughed at my ... ”

“Your what ?”

“How do I put it ... well... selection of a girlfriend. But I like her a lot that I don’t see any flaw in her; either in beauty or capacity.”

“Waaah, such a lucky girl to have caught Kookie’s eye.”

“Kristene, I needed to ask you something, I hope you won’t mind.”

“Of course silly, go ahead.”

“What ... should your ideal boyfriend be like?”

I giggled. I haven’t given much thought to that. Yet I was quite certain that the ideal boyfriend of mine would have resembled that Min Yoongi the stalker in some way or the other.

“Simple. Love me for who I am and understand me more than I understand myself. Basically, I need a dad, a husband, a brother, a boyfriend and a best friend all in one. I don’t like love to change when we grow old, it should be uniform and you know... most of the time, after couples get married, they end up being like grumpy old neighbours. I want everyday to be special because he’d know the exact role that matches the moods of mine because I am the Queen of Mood Swings.”

Jungkook kept listening.

“I am not perfect, Kookie. I have my own flaws and insecurities and a disturbing past. I just hope that I would find a person who’d stick with me even when my monsters get unleashed down in the dark wilds. I would like him to be in control when I am overwhelmed. Someone reserved, tranquil would be really great. Economy and other background details come later. Plus my mom should approve my selection.”

“I need you to listen to me really well...”

Jungkook said and took my hands in his.

I nodded.

“Haven’t you ever thought that I could be your boyfriend?”



I'm having a holiday of two days, so I thought of updating the story.

Thank you so much for the love you send me on Facebook and WhatsApp.

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Love you loads! 😘

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