Chapter Thirty Four

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As usual Min Yoongi was pulling off weird acts and once told me that it was annoying for him when I neglected him. Well, I was not supposed to have an official boyfriend yet.

So how was I do anything about it?

The drama practices continued as usual and I gave a lot of my time to rehearse the lines and utter the lines in perfect pronunciation.

I wondered if it raised eyebrows to see Min Yoongi being seated at the back of the auditorium watching us rehearse. He had no part to play in this, nevertheless, he insisted on attending the drama practice sessions.

May be that he really didn’t have any other better thing to do at home. Doing a Shakespearean play was difficult, but if we could pull this off at our best, there would be nothing but praises to follow.

Rehearsing lines could be done with Jin during school time and Namjoon oppa helped me after school. I told him of what happened during the weekend and he just had his amused expression on his face. He had known Yoongi’s feelings all along and there was actually no news for him.

We were practicing the lines this day also.

“Kristene, the dance part just kills my spirit. Why the hell did you have to suggest that?”

Namjoon was complaining.

True that it was my brilliant brain but I thought it would make some difference.

“I cannot dance well. I don’t even go to parties and dance freestyle!” Namjoon oppa was so annoyed.

“We can’t do anything about that now oppa. Go with the flow now. Let’s see about that later.”

We were so engrossed in the practising that I didn’t see Miss Diane approaching us.

“Wow Kristene, you really give your best,” Miss Diane remarked.

“Thank you ma’am.” I bowed.

“Namjoon, you too, thank you so much for helping her.” Namjoon mouthed a thank you.

“Kristene, I have been thinking about the dance. Even Seokjin is a bit bad at dancing. He can dance all the same, but he keeps on forgetting lines so he needs to focus more on the lines now. I cannot allow him to train you. So I talked with the teacher in charge of the Dancing Crew of the school and she highly recommended this boy...”

Miss Diane paused and pulled out a paper from her file and gave it to me.

“Jeon Jungkook – 13B1. She said that Jungkook is the best ballroom dancer she had ever seen. Apparently, Hoseok and Jimin are really good at modern dancing only.”

She continued.

“It would be great if you could contact him and practise a bit more. I heard that you haven’t danced in your life.” She smiled.

“Ma’am, Jungkook has his night camp coming up two days. I think he’d be busy,” I said.

“No child, I spoke with him. Jungkook said that he had finished everything that was needed to be done and that he is ahead of the schedule. He said that he’s free tomorrow evening. You two can negotiate a time right? His number is also in the paper I gave you. Is this settled now?”

“Yes ma’am. I will contact him and practise the dance.”

“Good. I’d be leaving now to submit these papers to the Principal’s office. If any problems come up, contact me. See you two tomorrow.”

“See you ma’am. Take care.”

Miss Diane reciprocated the wish and left.

“Jeon Jung Kook...” Namjoon pronounced the words carefully.

“Yeah. The guy from Biology Section,” I replied.

That night my hand was shivering terribly.
I was not usually scared to phone anyone, but for some reason I felt that calling  Kookie might have serious consequences. Yet for the drama’s sake I had to incur the risk.

Several rings went and he finally picked up the phone.

“Hello, is this Mr. Jeon Jungkook?”

“Yes, speaking. May I know who this is and how I can help you?”

“Well... it is Kristene Andrews here. I was asked to phone you...”

“Oh yeah, Miss Diane asked me to help you with some ballroom dancing. Are you free tomorrow? My Night Camp work is quite done and I have spare time in my hands.”

“By all means, I am free. I am ever so grateful or the pain you undertake to help us out.”

“Meet me at the Dance Practice Room by 2.00 p.m. I don’t mind helping you Kristene. Not at all.”

“Okay Kookie, I gotta sleep now. So, see you tomorrow?”

“Okay. Bye.”

“Bye, bye bye...”

The line died.

Why did he iterate his bye thrice?

Guess who was so annoyed that Miss Diane assigned me to Kookie to be taught dancing.

Min Yoongi was sullen throughout the next day.

He wouldn’t smile at me or greet me. His face looked puffy. People who didn’t do dance were not allowed in the dance practice room. That was a law at school. He was so worried that he couldn’t tag along me.

“Yoongi Oppa, why are you so mad with me?” I nudged his elbow when he passed me totally disregarding my presence.

“I don’t know you. Who are you?”

“Don’t be so rude.”

“Then tell me why couldn’t you say no to Miss Diane and ask Hoseok to train you. His ballroom dancing isn’t that bad.”

“Min Yoongi is jealous.”

“No, I am not. But you just watch and wait what I will do if things go wrong. Did you really think I’d let Jungkook to hang around you when only you two are in the Dance Practice Room?”

“I can take care of myself Oppa, I am not a baby.”

“You can take care of yourself, but what makes you believe that Jungkook will be the same Kookie you see at school?”

“He is just a friend. He only means to help us out.”

“Well, I am eighteen and I know what I should know. I am not letting you go alone.”

“Okay, I cannot change how you think about him. He is just a friend to me.”

“Well, I don’t have any reasons to make myself convinced that he totally sees you as a friend. At times, you are too good that it makes you naive.”

That won’t be a first even if my virtues made me naive. It had happened before.

But Jungkook was a good friend of mine.

He won’t harm me even in his dreams.

Would he?

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