Chapter Six

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"I think Medea is the heroine of Voyage of Argo."

Namjoon had caught up with my strides after the library session. He did not look at me, but I could swear that his cheeks had a faint taint of cherry red.

Boys blushed too, then.

"I just hate Jason anyway. I would do my best to support Medea. Look how brave she was to go against her family to help Jason and she really plotted to kill her own brother! There were numerous occasions that Jason was scared as hell. That meeting with the Titan under the sea was quite a scene. He had an unwavering self doubt as well." I continued my analysis.

"Yet, Medea fell a prey to love. I wonder why girls are always falling for useless boys like that. Damn, do not they know that they get thrown away by the very boy who said that he would die for her?"

I finished my small speech.

Namjoon was ruminating. I could tell that from the way his brows knitted together.

"That is true Kris. But I do not feel that was a comment from a mediocre girl who studies Greek and Roman Civilization. You seem to have a grudge on the whole male population. "

"Did I sound like that?" I was amazed.

"Yeah, you did. You could have killed me with the look you had when you were criticising Jason. I was shocked!"

"I guess that cannot be helped. I just hate boys."

"So you hate me too?"

"Nope, at least not yet." I gave him the warmest smile I had.

We had come to the end of the gravel path. It was time for me to head to my Literature period. Namjoon had got himself excused for not attending the class as he had some work in the General Knowledge Club. I waved a small bye to him and went towards my class. I might be alone again.

But ...

I was greeted by the boy that I hated the most who was leaning against the big birch tree.

"You and Namjoon are really close. Who is he? Your boyfriend?" Min Yoongi asked.

"Since when did you start to care about me, Min Yoongi-ssi?" I retorted.

Why couldn't he just mind his own business for God's sake?

"Nah, just wondering. Namjoon is too intelligent for you though."

"You are too dumb for me."

"What did you say?"

"You are a jerk."

Min Yoongi was stoned. His eyes grew a bit wide. I walked past him. Who cared about what he thought?

But as I was passing him, he grabbed my arm and pushed me to the birch. I could feel the trunk behind me.

"I cannot still understand why you hate me this much," Min Yoongi said as he stared directly in my eyes.

"Was there any reason for me to like you anyway, Min-bully-Yoongi-ssi?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"It seems to me that you have lost your memory. I will help you out."

I opened my backpack and got my diary papers out.

"Read these. I do not wish to talk with you, after all, I have got nothing to lose by giving you my diary entries," said I and thrust the papers on his chest.

"Now let go of me." I insisted and without a resistance he let me go.

I left a confused Min Yoongi behind me in a pool of white sheets.

Min Yoongi did not show up at the class and today's play was The Seagull by Anton Chekhov. For one instance in my life, I defended a guy in my lit class and that was Trepliov in the play. The girl he loved was Nina and I personally felt that Nina did not deserve Trepliov at all.

Hmm, if only the world had a Trepliov for me as well, I would have cherished him with all my might.

"Kristene Andrews, you play Nina's part." I was awakened from ny reverie by Miss Diane's voice.

"Kim Seokjin, take Trepliov." Seokjin rose from his chair and so did I.

As he narrated, I glanced at him. He really did have the looks of Romeo. Not of Trepliov. But the way he got absorbed into the character was worth admiring. After the end of the scene, we were asked to sit down as our teacher had a special announcement to make.

"Guys, the drama competition is due in three months and as students in an Advanced Level literature class, I have chosen to Othello as the drama you should be playing. The auditions will be held today in the evening, at the pavilion next to the basketball court. Those who are interested, are welcome to join."

Miss Diane said and left the class and the uproar began. I had a period of ICT to attend, so I collected my books and made my bag. From the corner of my eye, I could see Seokjin holding his pile of books to his chest and approaching me. I thought that, guys never cared to bring bags to the class at all.

"Hello," he said with a princely smile.

"Hello." said I.

"Kim Seokjin."

"Kristene Andrews."

"Would you come for the auditions?"

"I don't feel like coming. I am not that pretty to be on stage."

"Who said so?"

"It has been established like that for many years."

I suddenly heard Mandy calling me. "Yah, Chip Cookie, don't dare to show your face at the evening auditions!"

I looked back at Seokjin. "Now do you see why?" I asked.

"You are wasting your talent though. You played Nina's part perfectly today. Call me Jin."

The murmurs were raging in the class. Everyone was curious what business Chip Cookie had with the most handsome guy in the batch.

"Well, umm, Jin... I guess I should be going. I do not want to grab attention of the class. I am sorry."

"Chip Cookie sounds homely. Let us put up a play shall we?"

He suddenly took my bag and hung it on his right shoulder and pulled me by my hand from his free hand towards the exit.

What on earth was happening?

I was too dumbfounded and followed him out in a trance.


Othello is a great tragedy by William Shakespeare. The play is about a Moorish person named Othello who was a famous general who won wars, falling in love with a fair, high class lady named Desdemona. Othello was dark as coal, Desdemona was a beauty that many gentlemen wooed her.

But, due to the villain, Iago's plan, Othello ends up killing Desdemona by strangling her.

The Seagull is a play by Anton Chekhov.

The Voyage of Argo is another piece of literature by the writer named Apollonius.

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