Chapter Forty Seven

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I was nervous.

Any actress would be nervous to get on the stage and perform.

After all, I couldn't attend the practices yesterday because I had to work and couldn't get a day-off as Yonngi's halmeoni was not in the best of her health.

I was dressed by Mandy today too. Today, she fixed a dull gold rose into my half braided hair.

We were all gathered in the community hall, and everything was good until we received a call from Seokjin. He actually called Mandy just after she had finished the makeup of everyone.

"OMG OPPA, gwenchana?" Mandy yelled at the phone.

"De. I am, but my car is terribly damaged, I can't make it. I think my leg is fractured."

"Even after you fractured your leg how can you say that you are okay KIM SEOKJIN!?"

"I am okay, really. It doesn't hurt. I am at the hospital now. Don't worry. But my problem is ... I don't think I can make it to the play today. I am extremely sorry."

"It is okay, I .. I will tell Miss Diane. Just be careful. I will be on my way okay? Don't even dare to get down from your bed!"

"Okay princess. I am waiting then."

Mandy pressed 'end call' and related what had happened to Miss Diane. Apparently Jin had met with an accident while on his way to the community hall.

"It is okay Mandy, you can leave and take care of Jin. Thank you so much. Tell him that we are visiting him after the play and please don't let him be naughty and break other limbs too." Miss Diane patted Mandy's back. "He will be okay."

Mandy left as we all conveyed well wishes for Jin's health. But a silent doubt hovered above everyone's hearts.

What should we do now?

"Madam, Jin isn't there ... so .. what shall I tell the organisers now?" Ji Eun asked.

"Tell that we are doing the play. I know exactly what to do."Miss Diane said as she dialled Mr. Luhan's number.

Everyone was in shock.

Without the lead male how were we going to do the play anyway?

She spoke with Mr. Luhan for a while and returned with a bright smile.

"Girls and guys listen, Min Yoongi would be filling in for Romeo."

"WHAT THE -" I stopped half way; "I mean - DUCK."

Miss Diane frowned at me.

I nearly cursed. My bad.

"He was there at the back rows for a long time. He knows the lines well. I myself heard him practising once when I walked past the basketball court. Hoseok there tells me that he knows the dance too. So why not have Yoongi when he is near by?"

"Near by? How?" I asked.

The bad and forgetful girlfriend I was, I didn't know his schedule.

"He is having the Zonal Basketball tournament in a court just two blocks away. They have an interval of 3 hours in between and coincidentally, the boys are having the interval now. So, Mr. Luhan said that he would drop Yoongi." Miss Diane turned to Ji Eun.

"Eun-ah, ask the organizers to have our performance at 10.00 a.m."

"On it madam." Ji Eun took off to her feet.

"Yoongi would be here .. like .. right now."

A Hyundai honked its horn outside and out stepped the boy everyone anticipated. MIN YOONGI.

"Jisoo and Hoseok, help Yoongi to dress up. Use safety pins if the clothes are too big for him... And Kristene, you don't know the parts we practiced yesterday. We will hold up sign boards to help you out. There is nothing much, we just flavoured the scene."

The bunch of girls started giggling behind me.

"What .. ?"

I asked.

"You'll see it eventually. Jisoo and Hoseok, take Yoongi."

Miss Diane went away after saying that.

What the hell was exactly happening? Was I really acting with Min Yoongi who knew nothing of drama? pfft.

Yoongi came out dressed after 10 minutes and if girls ever gaped at boys, well yeah, I was gaping at him.

"Krissy, close your mouth. Else I will have to seal it for you." Yoongi winked.

"Shut up you pervert of a Min Yoongi."

"Look who is talking. You were gaping at me. I am handsome, right? Even my Juliet is shook."

He grinned that mischievous grin.

"I was not gaping at you. Why would I?" I countered his argument.

It would be embarrassing to admit that I was actually stunned by the way he looked. HE WAS A PRINCE OF THE FAIRY TALES!

Imagine him in white silk with gold work that matched the work on the fabric of mine. I was swooning as he entwined his hand with mine.

"Let the world watch now. I won't stop."

"Yahhh, Min Yoongi, you don't know a thing about the drama. Plus, do not touch me!"

"I know more than you know. Hoseok told me what is to be done." He sneered.

"What is with everyone knowing it all and me knowing nothing!"

"Hush now. Within 10 minutes we will be up on stage."

"But stop holding my hand." I scolded.

"You would be glad that I held your hand before ..." Yoongi coughed and let his line die.

"Have I told you that you are so annoying Min Yoongi-ssi?"

"That is because I love to make my girl annoyed at me and get punished by her," said Yoongi as he shrunk his eyes and slightly licked his lips.

"You are weird. Stay away from me idiot."

"Make me."

Yoongi snaked his arm around my waist and gave a tiny peck on my cheek.


When all this was happening, someone was watching us. That person typed a text.

CZz03S: Can see Zz02Y. With that girl you showed. Instructions?

CZz01D: Do it. SNAP.

CZz03S: On it.

Several photographs were taken.


I didn't know then.



Get ready.

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