{Audrey} Hard Luck Case Of The Gay Face

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"I can't stand you," Kurt said, slinging his satchel over his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and flicked his ear. "Screw you, Betty White," I said, opening the door. "See you in glee."

"Can't wait, Tarzan." I rolled my eyes again at my brother and jogged onto the sidewalk.

Before I go any further, I should probably introduce yourself. It always sucks in a story when you never get properly introduced to a character, at least to me.

So, hello. My name is Audreyanna Alexis Hummel and I'm 16. Yeah, Audreyanna. For the record, I just go by Audrey. Much simpler.

There, we are properly introduced. I shall go on with the exciting tale of running to school, trying to avoid Blaine Anderson.

We really don't get along that well.

Maybe because he's dating my brother, but I don't know.

There was a truck horn being blasted beside me. I looked to the side and saw the one and only Finn Hudson.

"Get in, Audrey," he said, coming to a complete stop. I wasn't arguing with a free ride the extra mile to McKinley.

As I got in, Finn looked at me. Not a normal 'hey stepsister' look. No, this was a 'what the fuck happened' look. "What was that argument yesterday with Kurt? I was in the bathroom upstairs and I could hear that."

I sighed and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Blaine, yet again. Kurt thinks I don't like him because he was a Warbler."

Finn furrowed his eyebrows. "You're friends with the Warblers. How could he think that?"

I shrugged and looked out the window. "He's so stupid. I don't like him because...well, because it's hard to like someone that reminds me of him."

"You need to forget about Hunter."

"Have you ever tried to forget about Rachel when you two are broken up?" I asked, my anger slowly rising.

Finn shook his head slowly. "Then I don't think you have any right to tell me to forget about Hunter. He hurt me." I was angry. My tone of voice pretty much said it all.

"And I swear I will hurt him so bad for that," he said, parking the truck. As usual, Rachel Berry was standing there, waiting on him.

"Hello, Audrey," she said with a smile. I waved and walked past her.

"Hey, 'Drey!" Mike called out from his locker as I walked in the building. I smiled and walked up to him and Tina.

"Hey, Michael," I said, smacking his arm. "Hey, Tina."

She smiled. "Hey, Audrey. Want to come with me to Lima Bean after school?" I nodded and opened my locker.

"Yeah, sure. I was going anyway." She smiled as the bell rang.


That day was painfully slow. It was like hell, really. Then came glee.

"This week's theme is like no other," Mr. Shue announced, opening a marker. I sunk down in my seat, watching Kurt whisper things to Blaine. "This week, we are doing...Taylor Swift!" Most of the guys groaned.

I really didn't have a problem with it. Sure, I would have preferred a more punk genre, but I didn't care. I could do Taylor Swift all day every day.

I raised my hand. "Mr. Shue?"

"Is it a certain era Taylor? Country or pop Taylor?" He smiled.

"Anything you want." I nodded. This was going to be easy.


After a whole class of Rachel talking about Finn, Santana in a constant state of rolling her eyes, and me being almost asleep, the final bell rang.

"'Drey!" Tina yelled, running over to me. I just stood for a second, letter her come over to me. Soon, Blaine and Kurt were beside us too.

"You guys going for coffee?" Kurt asked. We nodded. Blaine smiled.

"I've got to meet a friend. See you guys later." And with that, he was out of the building. Tina gave me a questioning look, to which I just shrugged. You never know with him.

"Let's just go."


"Audrey," Kurt said as we were about to enter the coffee shop, "I'm sorry." I shrugged and smiled.

"It's fine. We argue all the time. I just...he reminds me of Hunter, you know?" Kurt nodded and we walked in.

"He's nothing like Hunter. I can assure you tha- who the hell is he with?" I spun around to see Blaine laughing with a dude in a Dalton blazer.

"I got this," I said, strutting over to them.

Okay, turns out that the guy he was talking to was extraordinarily hot, but okay.

"Hey, Blaine," I said, sitting next to him. "I thought you rushed out awful quick on us." He blushed and nodded.

"Y-yeah. W-we were just talking about how great Kurt is." I nodded, eyeballing him. The other guy cleared his throat.

"Tension," he whispered. I shot him a look. No matter how right he was, he didn't have to say it out loud.

"And who are you exactly?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows. He smirked.

"Sebastian Smythe," he said, extending a hand. I shook it hesitantly.

"A Dalton boy, I presume," I said, watching Kurt look at us from a distance. I winked at him.

Blaine grinned at me. "Captain of the Warblers actually." I nodded, studying the boy.

"So he's a prep boy and he's a songbird?" Sebastian nodded, the smirk still on his face. "So, how do you know him?"

Blaine scratched the back of his neck. "You know, once-"

"Once a Warbler, always a Warbler, yes, Blaine. I'll remind you that those guys are my best friends. But seriously, how do you know this dude?" I interrupted.

"Nick introduced us," Sebastian said. Goodness, he's handsome.

"Nick?" I asked, skeptically. "Huh. I would have thought Trent, honestly. I'm decaffeinated and I need a coffee, so I'm going to get that."

As I stood up, Kurt walked over.

"Hey!" the Sebastian dude called as I was halfway to the bar. "Never got a name!"

"Audrey Hummel," I said, turning my back to them.

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