{Sebastian} Decisions, Decisions

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Sectionals were a few days away, and needless to say, we were freaking out. The Warblers were very prepared, and it was hard to keep bailing on practices. Yet, I still made it work. Hunter would be too occupied to realize that I was gone most of the time.

"You're late," a venomous, familiar voice screeched as I walked into the choir room.

I snarled and looked over to see the owner of the voice. "Santana, so nice to see you," I seethed, sinking into my seat. Audrey slightly giggled, smiling at me. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

A blonde cheerleader was sitting beside me, even though I'd never seen her before. "You're hot," she said, pushing her chest out to where it was almost touching me. "I'm Kitty. You should date me."

I gave her a disgusted look. "I've never seen you before in my life. Where did you come from?" I asked, studying her small frame. She was attractive, but definitely not my type.

"I'm new in this weird club. You know, I'm a Cheerio."

I scoffed. "Yeah, I'm not blind. And I'm not interested, or single," I replied, turning back to the center of the room. Santana was snickering, a smirk on her face.

Kitty made a noise that could be compared to the screeching of brakes. "Oh really, now, Pretty Boy. Who are you dating? Blaine?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

Audrey leaned over to where Kitty could see her. "Me, Barbie. Keep them wandering eyes to yourself," she said, smiling. "You were saying, Finn?"

Finn composed himself quickly, clearing his throat. "So, um, the duet that we're doing. Audrey and Sebastian, have you got anything?"

Audrey laughed, looking at me. "Are you kidding? We've had this since, like, last year," she bragged, flipping her hair out of her face. "Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson." I nodded, a smile on my face.

Finn let out a breath he'd been holding. "Thank God," he mumbled, a small half-smile appearing on his face. "This group, with Marley and Ryder as the main leads, is it good?"

Marley nodded sheepishly turning to Ryder. He nodded, throwing an arm around Marley's shoulders. "Yeah. It's great," he said, smiling.

Finn clapped his hands, a smile on his face. "Great. Wow, that's...good. Anything to add, Santana?" he asked her, making her grin.

God, that grin was creepy.

"I wanna see all of it," she announced, sitting on a stool. "Audrey and Bitchlet doing their thing, and surprisingly attractive girl and Finn 2.0 taking their shot at the group."

Kitty began laughing maniacally, but her face stayed the same. "Bitchlet? That's so funny I could have come up with it myself."

"Shut up," I breathed, staring at her. She rolled her eyes and scoffed, but stayed quiet. "Let's do it," I smirked, an eyebrow up. Santana shrugged at Finn, pointing to the door.


"Meerkat!" Santana yelled as we were practicing the group. "Your phone is ringing. Get it."

I rolled my eyes, jogging over to my bag and pulling out my phone. "Hello?" I asked, annoyance in my voice.

"Where in the buck-naked hell are you, Sebastian?" Hunter growled, breathing heavily between words.

I froze, paling. "Why?" I retorted, cursing myself for not being prepared for this.

Hunter scoffed, breathing into the phone. "Because this weekend is Sectionals and you aren't here. Get your ass up here, now. I'm not losing to Audrey." He was angry, for sure.

"No," I calmly told him, breathing slowly. "I'm done."

Hunter started to laugh. I didn't understand, but he was insane. "No. No, you're not done, Smythe. So, get up here and practice your solo. Now," he demanded, breathing raggedly.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "I told you, Hunter. I'm done with this. I'm done with you, I'm done with Dalton, and I'm done with the Warblers. I'm not coming to practice," I confidently said, a triumphant smile on my face.

"Fine!" Hunter screamed, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear slightly. "You'll be back, I know it! I'll see you at Sectionals, Sebastian Smythe!"

"See you," I smirked, ending the call. I tossed my head back, taking a few steps backwards. "Yes!" I celebrated to myself, punching the air in front of me.

With a laugh, I walked over to everyone. "I'm not a Warbler anymore," I announced with a smile, seeing them all start to smile. "Finally," I added, making my way back into the group.

Santana rolled her eyes with a slight smile on her lips. "Okay, let's all celebrate later, but do this damn routine," she bossed, crossing her arms over her chest. "It better be freakin' fantastic."

Audrey just smiled at me, bumping my shoulder with hers. "I'm so ready," she whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"As am I, Addie," I replied, getting into position. "As am I."

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