{Sebastian} JBI, Of Course

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**please read the a/n at the end of this chapter! it's important**

I walked into school on the following Monday with a smirk on my face. It was what I had done during my whole high school experience, and it wasn't like a letter that I'd received was going to change that. Sure, there were dark bags under my eyes and I looked like life had chewed me up and spit me out, but that was beside the point. I had a façade to maintain, and I was determined not to slip. I hadn't slipped in four years, why start now? Slipping would make me weak. Weakness keeps me further away from greatness. 

My inner thoughts were broken by a short, prematurely balding senior shoving a microphone in my face. He had to reach to get it to my mouth, and he looked ridiculously stupid. "Sebastian, is it true that you are here at McKinley permanently?" he screamed, making me cringe. God, how did anyone stand this kid's voice? 

I pushed Jacob away from me, my hand on his face, and continued to walk. I never credited myself for being particularly tall, but compared to Jacob Ben Israel, I was the Jolly Green Giant. "Get out of my face, dwarf," I told him rudely, continuing to saunter off. I knew that I shouldn't have been so rude to him... but Jesus that kid was so annoying. 

I thought he'd taken the hint that I didn't want to speak to him, but apparently, he didn't. Jacob and his equally as short cameraman kept following me all the way to my locker. It was at that time that I began regretting ever transferring to McKinley. He assaulted me with meaningless questions; I didn't answer a single one. 

Well, that was until he screamed the last one at me. 

"Sebastian, is it true that you and your really hot girlfriend Audrey have to graduate before Christmas?" 

I stopped dead in my tracks. How did he know that?  I turned to him once again, my eyebrows furrowed and my heart beating loudly in my ears. It felt like there were drums in my ears, pumping through my veins. I hadn't told anyone other than Mike, who had read the letter before I had. 

"Why do you want to know so badly?" I countered after a few moments of thinking. I took a step towards him, to which he took three backwards. "I don't particularly think that my business is any of yours. Nor is it any of your viewers'. As if you even had any." Jacob stayed silent, slowly lowering his microphone from my face. He and his cameraman scurried away from me quickly, mumbling something along the lines of 'he's gone insane!' 

Maybe I have gone insane. Hunter destroyed my mental health in more ways than one, Barry and Iris have stopped talking to me as much as they used to and it makes me sad, and then on top of that, having to graduate by Christmas. I am slowly killing myself, and I'm not joking about it. I feel like my head will spontaneously combust at any time, like a balloon popping from a small needle. Except my brain is the balloon and any small inconvenience is the needle. And Jacob Ben Israel was dangerously close to being the needle. 

"Are you okay?" 

There it was. The angel coming to take me to heaven... or maybe hell. I'm not exactly angel material. When I turned around, I expected to see a bright, white light. Maybe even a white figure with sprouting wings and a halo. Instead, I saw a gorgeous, brown haired, brown eyed girl standing a few feet away from me. Her hair seemed... shorter? 

"Did you cut your hair?" I asked in reply, very impulsively and very irrationally. Audrey's face turned from worry to concern instantly, and a hand flew up to her now shoulder-length hair. I quickly rushed up to her, putting my hands on her shoulders and rubbing up and down gently. "No, no, no, babe, I like it!" 

Audrey scoffed, a smirk on her face. "I wasn't worried if you liked it or not. I was worried that it was uneven," she sassed, twirling a piece of hair around her finger. Her cocky persona only lasted for a few seconds, before she blurted, "It was an impulsive decision and I'm actually really self conscious about it, please tell me you really like it." 

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