{Audrey} Doctor Hummel in the House

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Of course. Of course Hunter had to punch him. Of course Hunter had to give him a concussion. 

I sat in the waiting room of Lima General Hospital, along with everyone from glee club, some of the Warblers, and the Wests (plus Barry). Barry, Iris, and Joe sat next to me, talking to me and laughing a bit. The glee club was talking to themselves, and the few Warblers that were there were talking to Finn and Mr. Schue. 

Joe chuckled a little bit, laying his head on his hand. "That boy is too cocky for his own good, you know?" he asked rhetorically, a small smile on his lips. "Had to go and get himself a concussion." 

"Is anyone surprised?" I replied, smiling as well. Before anyone could answer, Mike and Sebastian came from a back wing of the hospital. 

Barry, Iris, Joe, and I stood, smiling a bit. Sebastian still looked a bit out of it, but he was definitely better than he was. "I'm alive," he mumbled, a smirk playing on his lips. He was fine.

I rolled my eyes, walking up to him. "Only because you're cocky." I hugged him tightly, nuzzling my face into his shoulder. He hugged me back, chuckling into my hair. "Did I scare you?" he asked. 

I nodded into his shoulder, afraid that if I let go, I'd start crying or something. "Just a little," I replied, finally releasing him from my grip. He was smiling then, making his eyes crinkle a bit. Barry and Iris came up behind me, beginning to talk to Sebastian. I walked off, letting them have their time alone. 

I stood by Marley, who was looking a little out of it. She slightly smiled as I walked beside her. "What's up, Rose?" I asked, patting her shoulder. 

She just shrugged, avoiding my eyes. "Nothing," she mumbled, looking towards Jake and Ryder. "Do you think that I'm a problem between them?" she asked. 

I stood fully in front of her then. "Marley, no," I quickly replied, shaking my head at her. "If anything, those two dipsticks are problems to each other. You're not a problem between anyone. Goodness, girl, to be as sweet and smart as you, you should know that." She smiled a small bit and nodded.

"Thanks, Audrey," she said, leaning her head on my shoulder. Another problem solved... but it always means that there is going to be another problem arising. 

And arise it did. We all went home after, Sebastian to his own house for once and me to my own house. I changed out of my costume and showered as soon as I got home. I let the hot water wash away my stress, knowing that Hunter was gone for good. 

I changed into a big t-shirt and some basketball shorts after I got out of the shower. I went downstairs to watch TV, but I was faced with my father holding an envelope. 

He sighed, handing me the envelope. "It's from school," he said, giving me 'the look'. 

I took the envelope from him, tearing it open quickly. I didn't remember doing anything bad, so there was really no reason to have gotten a letter. "Huh?" I asked quietly, reading the piece of paper inside. 

Dad put his hand on his hip and stared me down. "Well, what is it?" he questioned, definitely thinking that it was something bad. 

I sat down on the couch, gripping the piece of paper in my hands. "It's... it's a letter from Principal Figgins. He says I have to graduate by Christmas break." I was shocked, to say the least, and I was confused as to why. I couldn't read all of the letter due to my shock.

"Audrey," Dad mumbled, sitting next to me on the couch. "Why... I'm confused." 

I nodded, taking the letter up to my face again. "I have too many credits. If I take another class, it'll be questionable by the board. Dad, they're basically kicking me out of high school." 

"It's not like that." 

"It's exactly like that," I retorted, rolling my eyes. I didn't know how to feel. No matter how many times I wished for high school to be over, I never expected it to be like that, or so soon. "I need to think," I told Dad, walking up the stairs to my room. 

"Take your time," he said, leaning back on the couch. He looked as confused as I felt. 

I pulled out my phone, seeing a few texts from different people. 

Kurt: I heard you won! Congrats bb sis! I love ya!

Rachel: You were a bit pitchy on Smooth Criminal... JUST KIDDING! Love you!

Cisco: You need to go ahead and graduate. College is boring. People don't like me.

Seb: Call me when you can.

I called Sebastian immediately. 

He answered, but didn't say anything. I had to get it off my chest. 

"Sebastian, they're making me graduate before Christmas," I blurted, biting my lip. 

He sighed, making me worry. "They told me too," he replied, his voice deeper than it usually is. He seemed tired, and I couldn't blame him. The boy had a concussion. "At Dalton, I was apparently taking college classes. They said I could stay until Christmas." 

"Me too," I mumbled, feeling slightly happy that he was going through the same thing. "I don't know what to do." 

He just breathed a little heavily in response. "Me either, baby. I don't know what I'm gonna do at all." 

"Can we just ignore it for now?" I asked quickly, rubbing my forehead. "I'm stressed enough from today."

"Me too, Audrey. We can talk about it later." 

"I love you," I told him, smiling for once. 

"I love you too. Bye." 


Oh, goodness, what was I going to do?


it's been months since i've updated. i'm very sorry about that.

i hope you guys liked the chapter! unfortunately, this is the beginning of the end. but we all know that sebdrey never dies.

tell me what you guys thought! vote, comment and share!

also, please go and check out my Grant fic, Dying In LA. 

qotc: what is going to happen when they go back to school? will audrey and sebastian tell anyone about their problem? or will they keep it to themselves?  

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