{Finn} Dinner

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I buttoned up the top button on my shirt as the doorbell rang. I grinned and walked out, seeing Sebastian and Audrey laughing at the door. 

He made her really happy. 

And it made me happy. She's my best friend, and after all she's been through, she deserves happiness. 

I just watched from my room when Burt talked to him. It seemed to be going...well. They were hitting it off pretty good. 

Wow, that was unexpected. 

"Finn! Kurt!" Mom yelled, looking straight at me. I sighed and walked to her. Kurt walked downstairs in normal clothes. Nothing out of the usual. Pretty casual, actually. 

"Dinner?" he asked. Mom nodded and pointed him into the dining room. Audrey, Burt, and Sebastian were sitting at the table, smiling and talking. They were genuinely getting along very well. I sat next to Sebastian, sparing Kurt from having an absolute bitch fit. 

Kurt breathed in and sat as far away from us as he could in our small room. 

"So, Sebastian," Mom said, "where do you go to school?" He smiled at her.

"Dalton Academy, ma'am. The private school in Westerville." He was so polite. No way that his private school was teaching him this. 

That was from family. But definitely not his. 

"Oh wow," Mom said, looking at Kurt. "Kurt went there for a little while. You're a Warbler, right?" He nodded and Audrey looked at her. 

"Captain," Audrey said proudly. I shook my head at her. 

"I'm also on the lacrosse team," he said, earning an impressed look from Burt. 

Burt raised his eyebrows, chewing some of his food. "So you're an athlete as well? Finn's quarterback for McKinley." Sebastian nodded.

"Yes sir," he said, probably even more politely than before, "I really like all sports. Dalton just offers lacrosse, though." Kurt stabbed his chicken with his fork, but didn't get a look from anyone but me. 

'Stop it,' I mouthed. He shook his head and looked at Burt. 

"May I be excused?" he asked, shooting a dirty look at Sebastian. Burt nodded. 

"Just take your plate in the kitchen when you go," he said. Kurt nodded and took his plate into the kitchen, then disappearing into his room. I sighed. 

"What all sports do you play?" I asked Sebastian. He grinned. 

"Lacrosse, track, soccer, and I occasionally play baseball. I'm not as good at baseball, but I still enjoy it." 

I was impressed. This dude was so much different than the one I met when we fought over Michael. Lack of filter, probably. 

"Wow," Burt said, obviously happy that he was...well, him. "You've got an impressive resume, Sebastian." 

He shrugged. "I don't know about that, sir. I'm pretty average." I saw Audrey grinning like an idiot. 

Mom was looking at Audrey as well, seeing the look in her eye. She was so happy in the moment. She loved how he was impressing Burt. She loved how polite he was. She loved his whole personality. 

Now, you might say, "they haven't been together long enough to love each other." 

That's bullshit, clearly. 

He loves her. He was going to extreme lengths to impress her father and my mom, just because he knew it would make her happy. He came because she wanted him to. 

She loves him. She was so, so happy about how Burt reacted. She loved the fact that he was trying so hard, just for her. There was really nothing in it for him, except the satisfaction of knowing his girlfriend would be happy. 

Yeah, they love each other. 

"Don't sell yourself short," I said, smirking. "You do have an impressive record." 

Audrey looked down at her barely touched plate. "Possibly more impressive than mine," she said, smiling like an idiot. She had been the whole time. 

"Not even close," Sebastian said, sending the same smile right back. Burt looked at Mom. He mouthed 'I like him.' I bit my lip to try and stop from smiling. It didn't work. 

"Who's ready for dessert?" Mom asked. 


We were all sitting in the living room. Audrey was leaning against Sebastian, his arm around her shoulders, holding her tightly. Her dog, yeah, she has a dog, Dasher, was in her lap. Kurt was looking at us from upstairs. He looked angry. He looked pissed. 

I just looked away. Screw him. 

"It's almost Thanksgiving," Audrey said, looking devious. "That means Christmas trees." 

Burt looked at her. "You're putting it up. I ain't up for it. I'm old." She rolled her eyes. 

Everyone turned their attention back to the TV, except for Audrey and Sebastian and of course, me. 

She grinned at him and touched his nose. He kissed her forehead and said something to her. She snuggled her head onto his shoulder, to where she was really just putting her forehead on his neck. 

Ew, I can't explain things, nevermind. 

They were just really cute. 


I was texting Rachel later that night, after Sebastian went home. 


they're so cute together. 


IKR! I wonder when she's gonna tell the rest of New Directions?


I don't know. I don't think it's anytime soon, considering that her and Kurt aren't speaking. 


I have a plan.


Should I be scared?


Yes. Very.

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