{Third Person} Sectionals, Seriously

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It was rather cold in Lima, Ohio on Thanksgiving. Turkeys were in ovens, families were gathered, and glee kids were scared to death. The auditorium at William McKinley High School was packed, to the extent that people were forced to stand in the back of the room, and some even sat in the aisles. All empty seats were reserved for the performers, and under no circumstances were they to be given up. 

Sam Evans was the first to walk out into the crowd. He saw Finn next to Mr. Schue, who had previously been gone for a few weeks, and walked over to them. Loudly, he said, "Hey!" Mr. Schue quickly shushed the teen, smiling. Sam sat next to his glee director, smiling. 

They began to have a conversation as the rest of the club's members sat in the reserved seats. All, except for Audrey Hummel and Sebastian Smythe. They stood backstage, silent. Audrey checked her hair in the mirror, as Sebastian tossed his head back and closed his eyes. 

"Audrey Hummel," Hunter Clarington seethed, seeing the brunette next to a mirror. "Are you ready to admit defeat? Or, do you just wanna come to the right side with me?" He crossed his arms over his chest, awaiting Audrey's response. 

A response came, but it most certainly wasn't what he was expecting. "I'm ready to watch your face when we win. It would make my day to destroy that ego of yours," Sebastian cockily stated, turning around. 

Hunter studied Sebastian's clothes, seeing that he was not wearing his blazer. He was silent, his face slowly going pale. He hadn't realized Sebastian was serious in his departure from the Warblers. "What?" he quietly asked, his breathing picking up speed. 

"Ooh," Audrey joked, "hurts, doesn't it?" She waved a hand in front of his face. Hunter swatted it down, eyes wide. 

He stumbled over his words, babbling incoherently for a few seconds. "You'll...you'll be sorry when...when we beat you!" he exclaimed, turning on his heel and jogging to his team. 

Audrey turned to Sebastian, a wicked grin on her face. "Their performance is going to be weak. He wasn't prepared for this," she predicted, pursing her lips out slightly when she was done speaking. 

Sebastian wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. "I love you," he breathed into her hair, kissing the top of her head. They walked out to the audience together, hand in hand. They sat next to Marley and Jake, smiling at them. 

Audrey took a closer look at Marley as they were seated. "Mar," she asked, knitting her eyebrows together, "have you been eating?" 

Marley laughed nervously, avoiding Audrey's eyes. "Uh, yeah! Why...why wouldn't I?" Audrey grimaced, taking Marley's wrist in her hand. It fit around her index finger and thumb, with space to spare. "Fine, no. But I'm fine! Don't worry about me." 

In just a few seconds, Audrey was leaning down into her bag and pulling out bags of sweets and chips. "Eat," she ordered, shoving them all onto Marley's lap. "And we will talk about this later." Marley began to complain, but soon realized that it was pointless. 

As the curtain began to rise, Marley had finished a bag of Doritos and half of a bag of Red Vines. With a triumphant smile, Audrey turned to the stage, watching the Warblers stumble onstage. 

"I'm Hunter Clarington and we're the Dalton Academy Warblers," Hunter announced, a smirk on his face. "Hope you enjoy the show." 

He stepped back to the group of boys, his smirk transforming into a worried half-smile. Nick and Jeff looked petrified, to the point that they were both pale and looked out of it. 

"Can you blow my whistle, baby, whistle baby, let me know," they sang, harmonizing quite beautifully for a team that was anything but put together. 

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