{Audrey} Central City Blues

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Having to sit in a car with Kurt and Finn for five hours was exasperating.

Finn never shut up about Rachel. Kurt never shut up about Blaine and what they had given each other as gifts.

And if I had said anything about Sebastian and I, it would have been World War Three, Hummel style.

So I stayed silent, on my phone the whole time.


I love you a lot.

I 'aww'ed quietly, smiling to myself.


I love you too. This car ride is so painful.


Small talk with Mike is painful. He doesn't know how to function, I swear.


I miss you. And your sarcasm and your cute smirky face. Some might even say it looks like a meerkat.


I miss you too. And your adorable laughs and sneezes. And your boss ass bitch attitude. Even though it's only been like twelve hours.


Still too long. I wish you were with me. Gah, I'm a cheeseball.


I love it. I'll Skype you.


I'll Skype you when I get to my aunt's house. Cisco and Dante might be there though.


I don't care as long as I see you.


Awwwwwww ur 2 sweet.. I'll Skype you soon.


"Addie!" Cisco screamed as soon as I got out of the car. He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Yep, yep," I said, patting his back lightly. "I need to Skype someone, so let's go inside." I jogged up the porch steps and walked inside. I was on my phone immediately, going to Skype and pressing Sebastian's face.

As it was ringing, Cisco came up beside me and looked at my phone. "Who are you Skyping? He or she?"

I rolled my eyes and started making my way upstairs. Everyone else was walking in, talking among themselves. "It's a he and he's answering."

Sebastian's face popped on the screen, smiling a real smile. "Hey," he said softly.

I grinned, happy to see his stupid face. "Hey. What are you doing?"

"Trying to get away from my demon brother," he replied with a straight face. I nodded as Cisco jumped on my back.

"Hi!" he screamed, waving.

"Get me away from this thing," I said, trying to get my cousin off of my back. Sebastian started laughing.

"Is that your cousin?" he asked. I nodded.

"Francisco Ramon. AKA the devil in human form," I said as he finally got off my back.

Cisco pointed the phone's camera at himself. "Who are you to my cousin?" Threatening was the last word I would use to describe how he'd said it. More like, Disney-villain-just-being-defeated sort of tone.

"Her boyfriend," Sebastian replied cockily, raising one eyebrow. If I knew nothing, I would call that glare threatening. If I knew nothing.

"O-okay that's cool," Cisco stuttered, backing away. I laughed.

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