{Sebastian} Date

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I straightened my shirt, looking at myself in the mirror.

A tall dude with a red shirt and khaki almost-skinny jeans. With gelled hair, as per usual.

"Sebastian!" Mike called from downstairs. I sighed and looked out my door.

"What?" I asked, pretty annoyed.

"Come down here and see," he said, leaving me at that. I walked down the stairs, holding my head back in annoyance.

"Mike, I don't have time-" I looked up and saw the one and only people that I would be happy to see at that moment.

Barry, Iris, and Joe.

"Do you have time for us?" Joe asked, pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back, tears forming in my eyes.

"A little," I said as he let me go. Iris full on attacked me with a hug.

That girl is small but mighty.

"Bas, Central City isn't the same without you." I grinned and held her at arms length.

"Iris, Westerville just isn't complete without you." She nodded and smiled as I let her go. I ran up to my brother and engulfed him in the biggest hug possible.

"I missed you," he said in my shoulder. I just held him tighter.

"I need my brother here," I said. He nodded and pulled away, wiping his nose with his sleeve.

"You going somewhere?" he asked. I looked at my watch.

An hour to go.

I smiled at him, smoothing out my shirt again. "On a date, actually."

Iris smirked at me. "Does this mean I get to meet Audrey?"

Joe stepped in front of her, looking me in the eye. "A date? Audrey? When were you going to tell me about this?"

"Now," I said, scratching the back of my neck. "I have a girlfriend named Audrey."

Joe rolled his eyes and stepped away to talk to Mike. My phone started ringing in my pocket. Audrey.

"Hello?" I asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.

But let's be real here. I was a nervous wreck.

"Hey!" she said in her upbeat, beautiful voice. I smiled.

"What's up?" I asked, the cocky tone returning to my voice. Is it weird that I started to notice that?

"Good and bad news. Good news is that I'm almost ready. Bad news is that me and Kurt got in another fight and he locked me out of the house and took my key."

"The hell? Why would he do that?" I asked, getting mad at Lady Lips over there.

"He said some stuff about me and I said some stuff about him. I might have gone over the line a little. And so he took my house key and my shoes and left me outside. And then Carole is still at a conference, Finn is at work, and Dad is out getting food." I sighed, thinking of what I could do. I rapped my fingers on the rail of the stairs.

"What...what if I came and got you?"

"Sebastian Allen. I am not ready. When I said almost, I meant not even close." Iris walked in and furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"I really have no clue. You have no shoes?" I asked. Iris caught on rather quickly and pointed at herself, mouthing 'I have clothes for her'.

"Nope. I'm literally sitting on Puck's porch barefoot talking to you, hoping that his mom doesn't notice me here."

"I'm not even gonna ask, Audrey," I said. "I'm coming to get you."

"But!" she started.

"You get to meet people!" I yelled, cutting her off.

"Fine," she grumbled. "I'll see you in a minute."

"I'll see you in a minute."

Barry and Iris were standing in front of me, their coats on. "We're ready," they said, motioning towards the door.

"Let's go," I said, walking out.


When I pulled up to Audrey's neighborhood, she was the first thing I saw. She was sitting in a short, black skirt and a white shirt.

Oh my lord, no.


She stood up, her brown hair bouncing as she hopped on the stones in yards to try and keep her feet clean.

"It's just ruthless to take someone's shoes," Iris said as Audrey sank back into the seat.

She looked back and smiled. "My brother's an idiot. Sometimes I wish Finn was my real brother." I smiled at her.

"Close enough, isn't he?" I asked, driving out of her neighborhood.

She sighed, looking at her nails. "Right now, Finn's more of a brother to me than Kurt is. You know what I accidentally did today? I CALLED HIM GAY FACE!"

I broke out into laughter. "I'm rubbing off on you, Hummel." She rolled her eyes and looked at Barry.

"I can see differences," she said, a smirk on her face. "This one can't smirk."

Iris started laughing. "Him trying to smirk is the funniest thing. Barry Allen couldn't smirk if his life depended on it."

Barry rolled his eyes. "Shush!"

"So you called your brother Gay Face?" I asked her. She nodded.

"It just slipped out! He called me Plastic's girl and he knows I hate that, so I just called him Gay Face. You don't even know how angry he got." I pulled into my driveway, seeing Mike and Joe arguing about something.

We all got out and Audrey just stared at her feet. She eventually shrugged and just got out and stood next to us.

"Go inside," Mike said to me, pointing to the door. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. But I did as told. We each sat on the couch.

"Why is he such a prude?" Barry asked. I shrugged.

"Maybe because he's a middle-aged lawyer with a huge house and no wife or kids. Or that he has me as a foster son."

Audrey snickered. "Probably both. I hated you when I first met you."

Iris leaned forward in her seat. "What did he do?" she asked. Barry looked at me. And not a normal look either.

It was a look of 'we're screwed.'

"He tried to throw a slushy at Kurt, he took me and Blaine dancing and then Kurt tagged along and got all pissed, and then he just...really doesn't like New Directions." I nodded.

"Dancing?" Barry asked me, raising both eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

I looked at my brother, turning my head to the side a bit. "You really just asked me that?"

"Barry, you had that coming," Iris said.

Audrey smiled. The smile that made everyone around her want to smile.

I looked down at my watch. "We better get going."

She stood up. "Lead the way," she said, following me.

I grinned and took her hand, seeing Barry and Iris making faces at me.

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