{Third Person} It's Not Possible

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1 Year Later

"So he just... you know... broke it off then and there?" Jasmine, Audrey's roommate asked her, eating her ice cream slowly. Audrey nodded, taking a bit of her own ice cream. "Such a bitch purse," she shook her head, turning down the volume on the television absentmindedly. 

Audrey rolled her eyes, swallowing the bite of ice cream that was in her mouth. "He never gave me a chance to say anything. He literally, like, said, 'I should have stuck to guys,' or something, and walked off." She sighed sadly, remembering how broken she felt when he had said those words to her. "And then I was sad, and then I remembered I'm a bad bitch, and now we're here." 

Jasmine cackled, slapping her knee as her body shook with laughter. "You right," she chortled. "What was his name? Some fruity French one, right?" 

"Sebastian Smythe," Audrey mocked his cocky demeanor, even adding in a coy smirk. "I'm a cocky little shit who doesn't know how to shut his mouth, but also I'm hot and sweet sometimes and my ex girlfriend Audrey still misses me because she didn't get closure and I'm too far up my own ass to say anything!" 

Her voice got louder and louder as she went on with her mocking monologue, and soon she wasn't mocking anymore. 

Audrey was still heartbroken, as much as she hated to admit it, but she was devastated when Sebastian broke up with her. She never thought of her future, after the almost two years of dating, without him. But, life had gone on, and Sebastian (much to Audrey's disagreement in the early days of the breakup) was not going to end her life by breaking up with her. She went to Columbia, met some kick-ass people, and became one of the top students in the chemical engineering program. 

As bad as it hurt her to say, Audrey was doing better without Sebastian. But she knew that somewhere in her subconscious, she'd have a soft spot for him. 

Jasmine scoffed and opened Instagram. "I'm looking him up and stalking this bitch," she mumbled, scrolling and typing at intervals. Audrey just sighed and looked up at the barely loud enough television that was playing Orange Is The New Black. 

"He's a little whore," Jasmine announced, throwing her phone over to Audrey's bed. Audrey slowly took the phone and looked at the Instagram post. 


sebastiansmythe 100% the baddest boy I ever seen #hearteyesforever

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sebastiansmythe 100% the baddest boy I ever seen #hearteyesforever

478 Likes | Tagged: @xanderjones

Audrey let out a defeated sigh and threw the phone over to Jasmine. "Good for him," she mumbled, sounding anything but convincing. Jasmine frowned and jumped off her bed, walking over to Audrey's. 

She jumped onto it, sitting next to Audrey and rubbing her back lightly. "It's okay," she whispered, holding the smaller girl closer. "It's okay to not be okay." Audrey's quiet whimpers and Jasmine's soothing words filled the room. 

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