{Third Person} Magic

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Age 4

Audrey looked at her frail mother with love in her little, four year old, brown eyes.

"Do you believe in magic, Mama?" she asked in her tiny voice. Her mother, Lucille, nodded.

"You have to, A," she said, in an equally small voice as her daughter. "You have to believe or it will never happen to you."

Audrey nodded and hopped up on the bed with her mother. It was uncomfortable, but she didn't care.

"What if I got magical powers? Would you still be proud of me?" she asked, a twinkle of imagination in her eyes.

Lucille smiled at her young daughter, still so full with imagination. "Of course, Audrey. I'll always be proud of you. Just be that smart girl that you are."

Audrey nodded and leaned against her mother's shoulder. "I love you Mama."

"I love you more, Audreyanna."


Age 8

Sebastian and Barry Allen were sitting at their parent's sides, looking around the theater.

"People can fly?" Barry asked, looking at his mother.

She grinned at her little boy. "No, at least, not any that I know."

"If I tried hard enough, do you think I could fly?" Sebastian asked his father. Henry looked down at the tall eight year old next to him.

"If you try hard enough, you can do anything, Sebastian. You too, Barry." Both boys nodded and looked back to their surroundings. Nora and Henry just smiled at each other.

"I wanna be fast," Barry whispered to his twin.

"I wanna be the smartest person in school," Sebastian whispered back.

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